vee41's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    Once you create a family, how to create all the pieces together, at the same time?

    thank you very much! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Based on that description it sounds more like you should be looking into containers instead of families.

  • I was referring to vee41, but thank you!

    Fixed it, shows pretty much the same thing people posting after me did :)

  • Here's an example how to handle collisions between same objects:

    Evil sprites

    Has some variable comparisons too.

  • Pathfinding could be adapted to solve that :)

  • Thanks keroberos. That is what i'm doing now but I feel it's not the best way.

    vee41, Thanks. I think that's the correct approach but my problem is when i enable the effects, all objects are affected. Do you have a working example to share?



    Heres a quick demo:

    Evil sprites

    The last event is function you can call to enable/disable effect in certain situations, you could easily adapt something similar to your own project.

  • You could have one object and create multiple instances of it in the editor (ctrl drag object in the layout). Then, either:

    a) disable effect in the properties of one instance.

    b) give object an variable like 'effect', which you can use to see which object should have which effect enabled. Set up events to disable/enable effects for objects based on this variable. You can then use this variable to set effects properly during the play.

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  • > Put both 'isMusic' checks under the same 'on touch'

    That seems to do the same thing, unless I move the zero check first I think :) (because of top down order of reading it)

    So better to use an "else"

    Thank you :D


    .. if isMusic = 0

    ... Do stuff


    ... Do other stuff

    Should work :)

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  • The first event toggles it to 0, activating the second event as well. Put both 'isMusic' checks under the same 'on touch' events, and use 'else' on the second one.

  • Checkout Nickname plugin, it allows you to refer objects via strings.

  • Whole event sheet is calculated each tick. No need to worry about concurrency with C2. :)

    So at timetick A, function would start executing and the timetick would last the whole 300ms. At timetick B the function would execute again, and timetick would take again as long as calculating the whole event sheet takes.

  • All behavior names for objects must be unique. So, as your object had reserved name 'pathfinding' already, and you gave it another pathfinding behavior through the family, C2 had to name the behavior as 'pathfinding2'. So your object effectively has 2 pathfinding behaviors. :)

    If there was no renaming, you could not distinguish between the two behaviors. Like, if you did line like: 'Object.pathfinding.nodeat()', which path finding behavior would it refer to? The one on the family, or one on the object itself? :)

  • You could:

    a) Use a custom tween plugin:

    b) Use lerp function (check manual for that)

    c) Implement easing functions manually, but I'd recommend solutions above :)

  • <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> really!? its not a behavior? i watch a video that showed it was. and if not,how can it be done.please any ideas i would greatly appreciate it :) thank you

    Are you confusing Construct Classic with Construct 2 perhaps? I think construct classic has line of sight behavior.