valkyriegames's Forum Posts

  • Hi septeven! Thanks for the leads. I actually had a look at them before but iScroll isn't what I need and multiline box is a TextBox rather than a Text (I need that portion's background transparent!) The multiline box I think I will be using for the text entry part of the Chat Box though!

  • Hi there,

    I was wondering if anybody would be able to make a scrollable text plugin for me. I need it for a chat box in an mmorpg I'm making with Construct 2, and needed the text to be able to fill up more than it's height worth of text. Would anyone be able to make one for me?

    Any help is much appreciated.


    Dengke / ValkyrieGames

  • Hi there,

    I was wondering if there was any way I could make a textbox lose focus. There's an action to make it gain focus but none to lose it. I need it so I can make a chat box like those in rpgs where after typing and entering, the player should be able to use his/her arrow keys to move again.



  • Hi Ashley,

    I ran a profile in Chrome like you suggested, and it appears that pickByUID wasn't run that much at all and only took 0.04% of CPU time. It appears that the bottleneck was actually in a plugin - Rex_SocketIO. I'll see what I can do about that.

    Thanks for your time!

  • I'm also making an (mmo)RPG for the upcoming 64Digits RPG competition. The basic concept is here, which I will be updating real soon for something proper. But I've played around with the technology, and the plugins (including the SocketIO, Chat and Z-sort plugin) work together great to make an mmorpg. I've got a simple prototype going which'll allow up to 200 players/monsters on the screen without straining one CPU too much.

    But yeah, the lack of rpgs is probably because it's one of those things that usually require a lot of time investment and so not many have been developed yet.

  • Hi Ashley, thanks for your reply. Actually you're right, there were some other bottle necks which I've fixed up now and the performance has improved dramatically (I can get about 200 monsters now by straining 1 cpu). However, would it be possible to put the efficiency improvement of Pick by UID on to the development TODO list to be done eventually? Because I think for games which require a large number of enemies, using Pick by UID is almost unavoidable! Thanks Ashley!

  • Hi there,

    My Question Short Version:

    What's the efficiency of using "Pick instance with UID"? Does "Pick instance with UID" simply access in to an array with an index of UID, or does it do some kind of searching?

    Long Version:

    I'm trying to make a simple mmorpg with Construct 2. The problem I am facing is that when the server (written in construct 2) broadcasts a position of a monster, the client has to find the same monster on the client side and update the client monster's position.

    Now I first tried doing this simply by assigning an instance variable called "UniqueMonsterId" that is the same in all clients (but of course UID may not be, depending on the order that monsters are created in), but the problem with this was that I had to look through all the monsters on each update to check if the monster's UniqueMonsterId was the same as the one broadcast by the server, and if it was update it. This gives me an O(n^2) complexity.

    I tried to improve it by creating a relational array which linked the UniqueMonsterId to a particular UID, so now I can use a "Pick instance with UID" to find my monster (instead of searching through all the monsters). However the efficiency doesn't appear to have improved.

    My question is, does "Pick instance with UID" simply access in to an array with an index of UID, or does it do some kind of searching? Because if it just accesses an array this would reduce the complexity down to O(1) which would be a great improvement!

    Please let me know if anyone can shed some light on to this. Without being able to figure this out, my game won't be able to have more than 10 monsters at a time without maxing out one of my CPUs!

    Thanks for your help! Cheers!

    Dengke / ValkyrieGames

  • rexrainbow

    Thanks for those replies, they were incredible helpful. I had a look in the TMXImporter actions but couldn't find anything related to Properties. I see that they have to be accessed through system. I think this is exactly what delgado and Weishaupt were asking for too.

    Thanks man, you're just too awesome for making and providing support for these plugins!

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  • Weishaupt

    What kind of "colission detection"? delgado has the same question before. My answer is -- Collision polygon is defined in c2 (sprite editor). Or... Do I misunderstand something? Do you mean some tiles can move through, some are not?

    If you could make your plugin create some c2 'tiles' with the behavior solid (the ones with an impassable property set to 1) and all other tiles without the solid property, then this plugin would be incredibly useful!

  • Hi rexrainbow, great plugin, but is there any way for the tile propertied from the map to be set to a corresponding instance variable in the "tile" in construct 2? If not, could you implement it? It'll make it easier to decide whether or not we need to perform a collision check. Cheers! :)

  • rexrainbow

    The problem is not with installing node.js, but with using dbm to install For some reason Windows doesn't recognize it being installed even when the folder in which dbm exists in is on the build path. I've been stumped and couldn't get any further :/ No chance you'd know why? Thanks for your help though!

  • Thanks rexrainbow! I will have a bit of a play around and see how I go. Cheers! :D

  • Hi rexrainbow! This plugin works great, and the server was so easy to set up! I think I might just have to learn some python and modify it for my needs (I was going to learn python eventually anyway). Cheers mate, everything just worked so easily and well, unlike everything else I've been trying to install! Btw, what file should I edit if I want to change the behaviour of the server? Thanks for your help!

    Edit: One last thing: when I open the example file, it says that your Chat plugin is out of date. Is there a new version somewhere we should be downloading from (different from the one in the OP?) Thanks!

  • rexrainbow Thanks for the link, but I can't seem to get socketio-java working :/ It has minimal documentation and I don't know how to set it up. Any chance you'd know what I need to do?

  • Thanks Zack0Wack0 for the plugin! I'm trying to get it to work now with a Server written with Java TCP/IP sockets (I couldn't get Node.js working), but it doesn't seem to work with the socket-io plugin. So the question is: Can this C2 plugin work with Java sockets? It would be much easier for me to code everything from scratch.

    Thanks in advanced!