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  • All you need to do is increase the X randomizer to a large value (the size of your viewport). And have the particle object in the bottom-center.

    You'll find it in Particles properties:

    ah i see, makes much more sense now. got it working Thanks!

  • Create particle at

    X = random(viewportWidth(0))

    Y = viewportHeight(0)

    Set particle rate is 1 and gravity is -10 or smaller.

    hm doesnt seem to be working for me. it seems to move only the particle

    object to bottom of the application instead. No idea if i have missed something

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  • I would like to try to achieve something like this (3:47 look down at those bones. That’s what I would like to make)

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    thank you, i have actually learned something from this.

  • You can use tween to changes values over time, on a color adjustment effect.

    You'll need to specify if there is a target color or just random.

    Just random

  • I want the object to switch colours smoothly every x seconds so every x seconds a new random colour will appear

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  • Generally speaking, beams are constructed out of three sprite object parts, a stretchable or tile able center part, and two caps at the beginning and end. Depending on the look of your beam, the caps can be the same object, mirrored, or you can possibly do without one or the other depending on what is visible on screen.

    Normally you would put the pieces in a container to automatically create and destroy each other. You can use imagepoints on the center object to position the two caps. To pulse the width, I recommend using the sine behavior.

    Edit: Or you can use the 9patch object, since it is apparently now rotatable (when did that happen?). It should work nicely.

    hm i see, i will give it a try. I kinda need to figure out how to make the sprite go to the mouse position xd

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  • Something like this

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  • Add Tween behaviour and tween (one property) Opacity to 100 over X seconds. Just set the sprite's Opacity to 0 before.

    Damn im dumb lol. Thank you!

  • I want to learn how to make an object start with 0% transparency (opacity) and go all the way to 100% in x seconds (not looped btw. just one time)

  • Add another Animation to the button you want to break. Create a couple frames with each one shattering pieces off in all directions. Call the animation Break or whatever you desire.

    In Event Sheet, create an Event that when your character plays an attack animation and then Add another condition where player collides with button: Now Add the Action. Set Button Animation to Break (or whatever you named it. I’d also add another action that uses System-Wait-0.25 (setting the time). Then add 3rd action-Button-Destroy (so it can no longer be affected by player or until you reset it.)

    alr thanks!

  • like this?

    Perfect. this is exactly what i was looking for! Thank you