Urled's Forum Posts

  • Some say you should check global under obj properties

  • Lot's of weapons and gore.

  • No updated file for such an minor update, but i'm using this like a devlog to keep track of changes.

    Yesterday I completed:

    A nice weapon list that pops up when you switch weapon. WIth it you can view the weapon befor and efter the current selection.

    <img src="http://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/NVWJ8tMUjoEFVoPCVtHbwHQv.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/5QbjNsJavld8aeXMzB75OmIF.png" border="0" />

    I also worked on effects and sound.

  • From rojohounds example it is the same error:

    <img src="http://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/JlJwDTJXmB63Cb3rhl3Oaxupu.png" border="0" />

  • Old thread, but i need help. When i try executing python code through exec it gives me syntax error.

    i used exec(System.AppPath + 'Data\py\array.py')

    to exute this file in Data\pycalled array.py

  • I know nothig about network programing. I found the extension difficult to understand.

  • <img src="http://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/moE8Bh4oarRSlgrXAA18aE0mY.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/g0PRU39TLNJojOngc7d9vrMmp.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/X5SrprU0mmSU9Jw9KdXPfiZNM.png" border="0" />

    Since latest build (7)

    Bloodstains on screen


    Arrows that point to zombies

    Reload image on crosshair

    Mouse zoom

    Fixed background bug

    Improved explosions

    Fixed choppy gameplay

    Added statistics

    Edited some weapons

    Fixed double-reload bug

    Improved menu

    Added a maximize command

    Fixed the Wincenter command

    Added the hash object (will be used later to check weapon file integrity)

    Added emoticons(!)

    Pickuped weapon auto switch

    Smoke when firing

    New music

    More thunder sounds

    Friends now have health bars

    Minor hud design updates


  • I love it.1

  • Yes,

    Being a long time paranormal follower I have seen a number of unusual things, two UFO incidents stand out.

    Looking out my window one night (as I do every night) I noticed a 'star' moving from the distance towards my direction, as it got overhead it vanished, "ahh, a satellite" I though. A few minutes later it happened again... light from the distance vanishing overhead... then again around 10 mins later, the exact same thing! 3 'stars' in a row starting in the same place and vanishing in the same place.

    When working out in a field one day I noticed what looked like a silver orb high in the sky moving slowly, few seconds later two more orbs appeared and sped towards the first orb, all three now in a row, the first and third orbs then took off leaving the second orb moving across the sky until it disappeared.

    Both absolutely true as I saw it. :)

    Maybe orions belt covered by venus?

  • This works using python to access the winapi:


    Note: The transparency of the icon is not preserved with this method. That's really cool. But I don'tunderstand it.

  • I have... Two green spheres that hover one meter above the ground and then shot of into space at a speed of 20 000 km/H.

  • The future is not html5.

    I'm sorry to say that,.

  • To my surprise ghost shooter runs best in ie

    Firefox: 2 fps

    Chrome: 12 fps

    Ie: 16 Fps

    In preview mode it runs really slow on all browsers, though.

    Only exported it runs "good"

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  • Google plus is a threat to integrity. THey have it so they can log your activity.

  • Never. It's undevelopment.