UnixRoot's Forum Posts

  • This is a forward renderer not a deferred renderer, so more lights will kill performance extremely and are not supportet by some graphics cards. This is a limitation in all graphic engines with forward rendering. There are some ways to use more in some engines.

  • Really nice update.

    I have a little problem with LightMaps on my Models. I have loaded an obj file with 2 UV sets. One for DiffuseMap and one for LightMap. Ingame it renders totally black if i set the LightMap in the Animations Editor.

  • Now this was an easy one. Thank you very much. Great Plugin and easy to use.

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  • How can I rotate a HemisphereLight? The light shines sideways in my scene, but I want it to light up top and bottom of my scene.

  • How did you manage the Mouselook, especially up and down ?

  • Hey guys,

    Could someone please edit the dropshadow shader below to use rgb colors instead of just a black shadow? I don't have knowledge of shader code to do it myself. Thank you.

    // Dropshadow blurred
    // David Clark (edited by Louis Ferina, Jorge Fuente-Alba)
    // PS 2.0
    //#CROSS-SAMPLING : reads pixels it may be writing.
    //#BORDER-MODE : samples pixels outside bounding box
    //#PARAM float offsetX 5.0 : X Offset: X offset of dropshadow.
    //#PARAM float offsetY 5.0 : Y Offset: Y offset of dropshadow.
    //#PARAM float blur 2.5 : Blur : Blur amount of dropshadow.
    //#PARAM float opacity 0.5 : Opacity : Opacity of dropshadow.
    // Foreground texture
    texture ForegroundTexture;
    // Foreground sampler
    sampler2D foreground = sampler_state {
    Texture = (ForegroundTexture);
    MinFilter = Point;
    MagFilter = Point;
    MipFilter = Point;
    // Parameter variables
    float offsetX;
    float offsetY;
    float pixelWidth;
    float pixelHeight;
    float blur;
    float opacity;
    // Effect function
    float4 EffectProcess( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
    // Add the front and back pixels
    float2 Tex2 = Tex;
    Tex2.x -= offsetX * pixelWidth;
    Tex2.y -= offsetY * pixelHeight;
    float4 here = tex2D(foreground, Tex2.xy)*0.25;
    float4 left = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x - (pixelWidth*blur), Tex2.y))*0.1875;
    float4 right = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x + (pixelWidth*blur), Tex2.y))*0.1875;
    float4 top = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x, Tex2.y - (pixelHeight*blur)))*0.1875;
    float4 bottom = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x, Tex2.y + (pixelHeight*blur)))*0.1875;
    float4 result = (here + left + right + top + bottom )* opacity;
    float4 src = tex2D(foreground, Tex.xy);
    result.rgb = 0;
    return result * (1-src.a) + src;
    // ConstructEffect
    technique ConstructEffect
    pass p0
    VertexShader = null;
    PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 EffectProcess();
  • Thank you for your quick answer. I can not set the path to the object at runtime. I have to write the path in the object properties itself. But there it does not not work with the AppPath expression.

    It think it uses absolute pathes instead of relative, but i can not do anything to fix this because i can not use AppPath in there. If i use it in there it will not load anything.

  • Hi there,

    I have a really big problem with my actual project. If i insert some 3D models and run the cap out of construct it works like it should. I can see all the models on the screen with their textures on it.

    If i export an exe and send it to a friend, it does not load any of the 3d objects and all he gets is a black screen. The objects itself are located in the same folder as the exe. On my own computer the exe still loads the 3d models even if i move the exe somewehre else.

    In short: the cap works, the exe does not.

    There must be something wrong with the path to the objects, but only after exporting to an exe.

  • I don't get it to work. To bad my english is not that good. I try to explain what exactly i want.

    I have an Array with 10 Flields on X axis. For each field i want a number from 1-10 but without repeat used numbers.

    this could look like this: 5,8,2,1,6,9,3,10,4,7

    No double numbers, just the numbers from 1-10 in a random order.

    Could someone please help me out with an working example?

    Thank you so much.

  • shure but there is a problem using loops on this because i can not use expressions fpr writing the nubers to the variables.

  • Thanks for your quick help. It works as it should but it is extreme slow.

    It takes 3-4 seconds for all 10 numbers to be generated.

    If i turn FPS to unlimited it is much much faster.

    Is there a faster way for doing this? I need the numbers on the fly but i dont want to turn off vsync.

  • but how to do that?

  • How can I fill a list with numbers from 1-10 with random order but without repeating ?

  • the problem is i can not open my cap files in the stable version. the problem was not there before r2. to bad i have not saved a cap from the stable version

  • Possible, but it only happens since the r2 Update.