Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • QuaziGNRLnose, when I am trying to build this app for Windows app store, the threejs exported json .js files give a syntax error while validation....I am not too sure but I think the threejs exported json files have .js extension...I think visualstudio doesnt like the json syntax in .js files..Do you know how this could be circumvented by any chance?

    Edit : I was able to solve this using .obj files instead of .js exported files. Visualstudio doesnt like json files in .js extension...However with .obj files, the model diffusemap shows up segments / rings...I increased the number of segments/rings but the trade-off is that it increased the imported .obj file size as well! Anyway I was able to get it working for windows app store...phew finally!

  • TheDom

    U got an email with info when u purchased, everything is in there, its the same link.


    You can rename .js files with the extension .json, and the loader will still recognize the files. It might help. Im not sure what you mean about .obj loading rings, can you explain? If you mean its flat shaded its because you didnt export normals.

  • Here is the video link of what I have developed so far...

    Interactive 3D shapes and nets -

    Features - Dynamically load a cube with a corresponding net selected, Show vertices, Edges, transparent shape


    Thanks to QuaziGNRLnose for this useful plugin.

    Hi kmsravindra, good job.

    You could send me a link to test its performance in android tablet.

    I want to buy this plug, but I have no proof of performance and this example could serve me.

    Greetings !!

  • that work with the cube is incredible, it is hard to create?

  • SEIR

    Have you tried viewing any of the demos on the first post in your chrome android browser?

  • Sier , imothep85 - Thanks for your comments.

    imothep85, Its not difficult but it uses morph targets...So creating a cube out of each net and animating it properly is slightly a laborious task in blender.

    Instead It will be good as someone suggested if this could be done by dynamically adding / removing polygons...Maybe that approach is also possible using Q3Dplugin but I havent tried it that way...Also such an approach might have limitations with curved surfaces...

  • ah with morph targets ok, i was thinking it was just done with maths

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  • Hello, guys. I have bought the early version of this plugin. How can I get my free updrade to version 2.2?

  • Hello, guys. I have bought the early version of this plugin. How can I get my free updrade to version 2.2?

    Check your original info in the email you received when you purchased.

  • Check your original info in the email you received when you purchased.

    Thank you!

  • SEIR

    Have you tried viewing any of the demos on the first post in your chrome android browser?


    Yes, but I want to see how it works with the crosswalk. I want do an app.

  • I would love a small guide on how to import a model Because from the examples I do not quite understand

  • maordany

    add Q3D Master first

    add a Q3D Model

    Add .obj / .js model to files folder

    In Q3D Model properties:

    ---write model name in model filename property

    ---set use model to yes

    Run your project, you should see your model.

  • How can I rotate a HemisphereLight? The light shines sideways in my scene, but I want it to light up top and bottom of my scene.

  • How can I rotate a HemisphereLight? The light shines sideways in my scene, but I want it to light up top and bottom of my scene.

    It's sort of like directional light, where the position relative to the origin determines the light position.

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