ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • You could use the browser's close action? Although I don't see why this would be necessary on a mobile platform (and I'm unsure it would work). As for making the resume button visible:

    On start of layout if (global variable) = 0, add 1

    if (global variable) =1, set resume button visible.

    You'll need to tie that variable in to a local storage setup so that it sets itself each time you load the game.

    Hope that helps!

  • I'm surprised at how much you were able to accomplish in such a short period of time! It looks pretty great. I'm super interested in how you got the water reflection to look so fantastic.

    Maybe I'm reading too much into it but did I see Elizabeth Bathory in there?

    Amazing artwork - totally blown away

  • That looks incredible!

    Nice work!

    +1 - very impressive!

  • Cool looking game! I love the color scheme you used . I voted you up. Best of luck!

  • Hey there,

    You'll want to set up some extra events for destroying the boomerang when it gets back but this is a basic mechanic for you to look at:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/pupr797mu2nva ... .capx?dl=0

  • Commander Keen


    Caleb (Blood)



    Kyle Katarn

    Gordon Freeman

    JC Denton (Deus Ex 1...Let's just pretend 2 never happened)

    Narrator (The Stanley Parable)

    There are others but they're guilty pleasures lol

  • I'm sorry, would you mind clarifying what you mean by domain?

  • You could do this with sprites using different blends. Since there's bump mapping I wonder whether this is using a 3rd party plugin.

    I'd recommend looking at the flashlight and rain examples included with construct to develop something like this.

    Essentially though, you're using the flashlight to remove a dark overlay that's on top of the textured floor there. The blocks have a darker sprite that will have the angle set to the same angle as the flashlights, light (though this may only be the case if the light is overlapping the block, otherwise it may be set to the inverse of that angle so as not to cause issues when standing near a block and looking away from it...or perhaps just set to invisible when the flashlight doesn't overlap the blocks).

    Hope that helps!

    EDIT: Now I'm back home and I can share a file I came across on here some time ago. I don't remember who's this is (So feel free to reveal yourself, author):

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5zvfru5fo221k ... .capx?dl=0

  • Full disclosure, I haven't worked on one of these so I may not be the best of help (But I see that you're looking for some ideas so I'l throw a few out there).

    So my initial thinking is that it might be best to use tiled backgrounds and then use the system to generate tiles as needed (either randomly or on a timer).

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/4777/h ... und/page-3

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1019/b ... te-runners

    As for the array-to-tilemap implementation, maybe this tut can get you moving on a possible solution there:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/746/au ... ise-method

    Hopefully this was helpful!

  • I still play through the original Megaman X from time to time. It's one of the only games that I can keep coming back to and replaying. Otherwise, I was huge on Duke3d when I was younger and I think it still holds a special place in my heart. And I know you only asked for 2 but I feel I must mention Diablo 2. Fewer games have brought me such enjoyment or fun times with friends (As a side note: Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is a great new-ish title for having fun with a friend).

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  • It may help if you share your capx.

    P..S - Are you just experimenting with this idea or is there a reason why a different layer with parallax of 0,0 is a no-go?

  • Hey there! This is really fantastic! Would it be possible to have an OSX build of this? Sometimes I like to work on my macbook when I'm away from home.

  • The developer of that game actually has a tutorial for the mechanic available <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/273/ho ... platformer

  • Okay! Figured it out! I'm going to leave a link to my capx for anyone that would like a look. I know that arrays and these storage modules aren't my forte (yet), so hopefully the capx can be helpful to someone else who's in the same boat.

    And definitely thanks to LaDestitute for taking time out to teach me about AJAX and some of the nuances of the built in save system! Very kind of you!

    Here's the capx I came up with:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/au62s4xaf8n1i ... .capx?dl=0