ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Click view at the upper left and then select whatever was closed (likely, object, layer, or project)

  • Hey again!

    So I stumbled on your problem and subsequently fixed the issue. Here's what you need to change your code to (I boxed in my changes):

    I hope that helps!

  • Hey there. I downloaded your capx and I'm not experiencing your problem. The animations seem to be working correctly. Did you already fix the issue?

  • Thanks LittleStain - I thought that the "angle" part was pre-setup by the input. Now I've got the script ready! I must say that I really appreciate the community here being so helpful. I know I have a lot to learn but you guys have really been making the process fun .

  • Hey all,

    So I'm making my way through the gravity platformer tut but I have an issue when I get to the last line of code here:

    It won't allow me to put commas in the parenthesis when I enter the "(0,0,Xvector,Yvector)-90" part. Any idea why that might be?

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Uh no idea sorry. You can't see the efect even in chrome/firefox?

    The live version works for you?:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/659 ... index.html

    You tried to create a blank document, add a sprite and choose the Fire Effect flames? If not try that to see if works, some people had problems with the .capx but creating they a new document,etc.. works fine.

    Yeah, it would work in the demo, just not from the capx. When I try it on a new layout the error doesn't come up but it also doesn't display the effect. Thanks for the reply,

    zenox98 I tried downloading it but I must not have gotten the right thing. Thanks for the link and your help!

  • Cool effect! I'd love to tinker with it but when I try to preview I'm getting this message:

    What should I do to get this running?

    EDIT: I should add that I'm using the latest version of chrome and that it doesn't seem to matter which Browser I choose in the previews settings.

  • I will experiment with that, thanks!

  • Well, this would be an object that you could touch, I wanted to be able to flick it away and have it get smaller as it goes to the bottom of the screen.

  • I was trying to create a sense of depth recently, by setting the scale of an object to it's Y coordinates (as it reaches the top of the screen it gets bigger and visa versa), but I was pretty unsuccessful lol. Can someone help me get on the right track?

    Thanks in advanced!

  • Your else is indented one too many. If you look at your events, there is no condition on the same indent level.

    Thanks so much! I finally figured out what was going on!

  • Hey! I think you can add a Sine behavior to a solid and it will move back and forth/up and down depending on what numbers you adjust. Is that was you're looking for?

  • Hey!

    So I'm just getting going with everything and have made a a patrolling enemy using this tut:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/828/ad ... ies/page-3

    He works great but I noticed that when I clone him around that the edge detector triggers movement in all of the enemies and causes them to spin back and forth like the Tasmanian Devil.

    I tried making the object containers for each other but that hasn'y solved the problem.

    Sooo I tried my hand at this tut to remedy the issue:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/253/ho ... ame/page-7

    However, I'm getting this problem now:

    Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong here?

    Thanks in advance!!

  • Hey all! I apologize if this is a redundant post - apparently there have been issues with the forum on scirra's end and so I'm not sure if my previous posts have actually gone through and are visible. In any case! I am happy to be here and look forward to participating on the forum! I'm a n00b right now but I'm down to learn!

    My old fav's include stuff like the original Super Mario, Kirby, and Mega Man X. New games I enjoy would be stuff like the latest Shadows Warrior release and 8BitBoy.