ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • I love this thing. Excellent work!

  • Dude...is this a response to the 3dNES request? That's kind of amazing.

  • I'm not sure why checking the distance wouldn't work. Would you mind sharing a capx so see how you're working?

  • This really looks like something special. The art is fantastic! Best of luck to you and your team!

  • Mmmm I like this answer.

    Mighty kind of you

  • You could always try setting a timer that would be triggered by the player platform's "is falling" condition. If the timer gets up to a certain number, you set the death animation to play. If the player is on the ground, set the timer to 0.

  • Looks great, just bought it

  • This had me laughing in my apartment (lol those cooked turkeys!) . Great fun! Thank you!

  • ultrafop

    I can't open your capx right now but if you made the variables local you also need to make them static. With just local the variables will not save their changes.

    Thanks R0j0, I'll make the changes. I knew this would be a good opportunity to learn something new haha.

  • I hope it's okay that I post this here (please let me know if it isn't).

    I tried modifying oosyrag 's capx (based on R0J0hound 's method) to allow for a player to hit a switch and lower a bridge. I transitioned the variables from global to local and for some reason that seems to throw a wrench in the anglelerp process. Any idea why that might be? I was thinking it'd be great to add a feature like to this to a larger project but I'm trying to avoid tons of global variables if I can.

    Here's the modified capx:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/mlspc8rvs5ey1 ... .capx?dl=0

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  • Mind uploading the capx?

  • Not another top down shooter: The top down shooter story (A top down shooter)

    In all seriousness, I'm game to help. Might there be any screenshots you feel comfortable sharing? Story elements?

  • Hey there,

    So you could always use the animated sprite itself, assuming you're using the "mirrored" option to flip your sprite right and left when you move in those directions.


    When shooting-

    --if animated sprite is mirrored = used left shoot animation

    --if animated sprite is not mirrored = use right shoot animation

    If this isn't what you've done, for simplicity's sake, you may want to try implementing it (there should be some tutorials that have information about animation and mirroring sprites available in the tutorials area). Otherwise you could have a variable for whether the character is facing right or not that can be set to true or false depending on whether the right or left movement buttons are pressed and use that, but unless you're moving your person in all sorts of crazy ways, that's probably overkill.

  • This is kind of a mind-blowing effect. I'm not sure how it runs so smoothly lol.

  • Hey all! I was wondering if there's a way to get the warp effect not to react to a player's changing x/y coordinates (I'm using an overlapping texture on the ground I'd like to move around a bit)? And, if there isn't, might someone have made version that doesn't (or could make one, if there hasn't been one)?