UberLou's Forum Posts

  • Nevermind. Traced it back to an Or block not triggering.

  • Thats what a beta release is for. Testing.

    My game doesn't work in 144 either. Shooting seems to have broke, though no OR block used. Works in 143. Going to try and narrow down the problem.

  • Niko - Just watched a few youtube videos of it...looks pretty interesting. Going to watch some playthroughs for reference. Thanks!

    Posted this on twitter awhile ago showing some dust effects:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/FrWIFeB.gif" border="0" />

    And a new one - the start of some in game cinematics:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/g6zjEWG.gif" border="0" />

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  • Updated the first post with new screens. I've decided to go lower res and pixel art because of some performance issues I was having. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

  • Argen Yup. I'm a big fan of Spriter.

  • arcgen - It works similar to a normal sprite. You can have multiple animations per Spriter file. You just call them through the event editor. Player jumps -> play animation "jump01" or whatever you named the animation. You can also attach the spriter object to a bounding box, and use the platform behavior on that box.

  • landman - Thanks, and try the demo if you want more than the teaser. Also, Spriter is awesome and the support from BrashMonkey has been great.

  • No problem. I'll make a simplified capx to send over. The top and bottom of the player are 2 separate .scml files. Sometimes just the top doesn't initialize, sometimes both don't. It seems to be very random.

  • lucid Was this bug ever looked at?

    I'm getting a random bug and I'll do my best to explain. I load the player character at the beginning of the layout and it always appears as a jumble of sprites. It usually takes about 1 frame for the sprites to assemble into the correct position. I can live with that 1 frame hitch, but sometimes (about 1 out of every 20 times) it can take over 5 seconds and it seems to be random when it happens.

    If the fix for this isn't obvious, I'll reduce my game into a simplified capx and send it to you and\or Ashley.

    I captured it on video here. The players upper body doesn't seem to initialize for a few seconds.

  • I'm about to give away some top secret information! Really it's nothing special. Just spawn some transparent smoke sprites on the right side of the screen, and move them to the left side of the screen (bullet behavior works). Destroy when off screen. For the sand effect, I just have a particle system on the right side of the screen shooting left. Play around with the settings for different effects.

  • Thats cool it was just a suggestion. It feels good, and I like the bell. Makes it tense. Instead of the minigame, if you pull your gun close to when the bell sounds, then maybe it can just say "Perfect Draw" or "Quick Draw" something to let the player know how they're doing. Some other thoughts:

    I had trouble figuring out where my shot was going.

    Right now you can just hold down the right mouse button to reload. I always like in westerns when they hit the hammer rapidly and shoot, so it would be cool to try and mimic that feeling.

    Some small nitpicks - "Shoot the opponent before he does." should probably be something like "Shoot the opponent before he shoots you." Also saying 6 bullets and 5HP doesn't mean a whole lot unless you know how much HP each bullet takes away.

    Nice progress though

  • I thought that might be the case, thanks for the answers.

  • I'm currently blocking out levels for my game, and was wondering if there are any performance hits scaling collision objects to very large sizes vs using multiple collision objects.

    Here is an example.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95028662/scalingQ.jpg" border="0" />

    These objects are on an invisible layer and must be sprites to work with the Physics behavior. I would assume 2 Scaled Objects would be better since it reduces the number of objects and collision checks, but that's just a guess. Are there any tradeoffs to using this scaling method vs multiple objects?


  • Pretty cool. Thanks for sharing the capx. I was planning to create a similar type of enemy movement, can I ask why you didnt use 8 direction movement? That behavior seems like it would fit better, no gravity to deal with.

  • Pretty interesting! Here are some quick thoughts I had while testing it out.

    There is a bit of a disconnect between using the mouse wheel to control pulling out the gun, then using the mouse movement to control the gun. I would almost want to push the mouse up to take out the gun so theres more continuity. Maybe dodging could be on WASD like other shooters?

    I also wanted there to be a sort of minigame to taking out the gun. Like a perfect draw could give you an advantage to shooting first.

    Anyway just some thoughts. I like where its going!