twg's Forum Posts

  • Same problem here, none of my apps are showing adds anymore

    Does it maybe have to do with Google Admob changing their policy on the 1st of august.

    When I look at the networks it states a "revenue reporting error" under admob ...

    I'm not getting ads from Admob, Chartboost or Millennial Media .

  • No word back from support, requests are showing up in mopub dashboard but aren't being filled.

  • The last 24hrs I have am getting no ads served from Mopub, they were working fine before this. I'm still waiting on a reply from Mopub, not sure if this is on Mopubs side or something with Ludei. Anyone else having this problem?

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  • I'm using bullet behavior to move a sprite in a straight line between different points say A,B and C. Sprite starts with bullet behavior moving toward toward point A, hits point A then changes direction to point B and so forth, in a straight line. I'm noticing on some devices I am getting a weird lag thing happening where the sprite hits point A then changes direction to point B but instead of moving to point B in a straight line it kinda swerves like a drunk driver on its way to point B and then swerves again on its way to point C, and the game starts to lag pretty bad whenever this swerving happens. The devices I am testing on are all high end, able to handle all the newest 3d games at 60fps so I don't think its the devices causing it to lag. Not sure what could be causing this, anybody else have similar problems with the bullet behavior?

  • Actually you answered 1 & 2, I just check my segments and I am not able set my CPM, I guessing because my account has not been approved. Thanks.

  • 1. In my Mopub marketplace it says my account is still awaiting approval, does this mean I can't receive ads from just the marketplace or I can't receive any ads at all from any network, Admob etc?

    2. When I test my app in CocoonJS launcher banner ads are showing up, yet my Admob account is showing no impressions, but in the compiled apk I am only getting the Mopub demo ad? I tried disabling the Mopub demo ad but still get no ads in the apk, but ads always show up when I preview in CocoonJS launcher.

    3. Is there anyway to scale banner ads on phone in landscape view? Right now I have the standard banner 320x50, there is no option to scale to 100% width and you can't use smart banners with Mopub. For tablets you can pick the leaderboard type ad, but I want a banner at full width for a phone in landscape.

    Any help would be appreicated, thanks.

  • I'm getting the "Your access to Marketplace is currently being reviewed. You can enable your inventory and set minimum CPMs during this process; note that Marketplace will not serve ads until you have been approved." message at the top of my Mopub marketplace, I sent an email to support and it has been 3 days and I haven't got response. How long does it generally take to get your account approved on Mopub?

  • Thanks yeah I got it working fine with what you recommended with Webstorage, I thought maybe there was a way to check the save slot itself with compare variable "mysave" exists or something, but it's working fine with Webstorage now.

  • How do I check if a game save exists so say a load game/continue button will load only if there has been a previous save. Compare two values I'm guessing?

  • Finally fixed this by putting the webstorage inside of int.


    instead of


  • No one using Browser>close on iOS?

  • I have a sprite with Browser>close event on touch that works fine on Android and browser, but in my compiled iOS build it doesn't work at all. The only way to exit the game is the home button, is there any way to exit/quit the game on a button touch on iOS?

  • Post your code or capx.

  • The question now would be, does the preview share the same folder as the export?

    Are you asking if I'm exporting the same one that I'm previewing? Yes I am.