twg's Forum Posts

  • Dalal The jerky movement is pretty consistent throughout the game, seems to come at regular intervals, whether on a game with 50+ layouts and tons of sprites or a blank canvas with one sprite. Sometimes the movement is smooth then seconds later the jerky movement will be present. Your simulation is about what I am experiencing, but at times much more extreme. I tried testing a blank canvas with one sprite moving to 4 different points with a toggle for setting 4 different speeds(200/250/300/400p/s) on C2, Phaser and Crafty, I got the same results in Chrome, FF, IE and when compiling for device with Crosswalk, jerky inconsistent movement on all of them while fps remained 60+.

  • I just recently am having these issues with jerky movement in a game, I never noticed them before compiling and testing in CJS, the movement was always smooth and after switching to Crosswalk to support some 3rd party SDKs, the jerkiness is pretty extreme on layout starts and random times throughout play. It's really weird, game is running at 60fps but the jerkiness of the player movement is still there, which is actually game breaking for my game cause it causes you to die. I can make a blank layout with a tiny sprite and movement it with bullet, moveTo or just with the move forward and i get this crazy jerky movement, I've noticed the same thing with other engines such as Phaser, jerky movement just tweening a sprite from point to point. Looks like I'm going to have to switch to a non HTML5 engine, which ***** cause I really like C2.

  • Does the regular moveTo event use delta time already? I see there is a deltaXY option but I can't get to to work at all for me.

  • I recently switched from CJS to Crosswalk and having issues with performance. In CJS I was getting constant 60fps+ across all Android devices, even slower devices with dual core and 512mb ram. After switching to Crosswalk I started getting 20FPS and sometimes lower even on quad core devices with 2gb ram. I looked into the posts on performance and optimization and noticed there were a lot things I overlooked before while building with CJS. I had a lot of things like big areas of transparency, objects being created that were not placed somewhere in the layout, every tick events that could be change to every 1 second among other things. I fixed all the issues I had that have been addressed in the posts about performance and optimization and tried a few other things like changed fullscreen scaling to low, down scaling to low, and performance is still lacking. The only particles I have are when the player dies, no loops that run during gameplay, just a player moving on a set path with the moveto plugin at between 300-400px/s, dodging static enemies. I even tried turning off all collisions and only turning them on for the player when player is x from enemy, which actually causes lag spikes right before you get to an enemy and no increase in performance. Not sure why even with all the performance killers I had in the game before I could get 60fps in CJS but Crosswalk performance is lagging. Anybody have any tips for getting more performance in Crosswalk?

  • So this plugin only works for Phonegap, no support for Crosswalk? Also can you set up global leaderboards with this, not just user hi score and friends high score?

  • Hmm, that is weird. Are you running C2 as Admin?


  • I figured it out, these long export times happen when I export the game to a existing folder for the project where a previous export is, I guess because it has to overwrite the the existing files maybe? I tested it and if I export to the new folder it takes less than a minute but exporting to a previously exported to folder export times are like 15-20 minutes, weird.

  • Just updated to r185 and am currently trying to export a game I have exported many times before which usually only takes about a minute or two, but after updating to r185 it just took me 20 minutes to export the same game, not sure what is going on here, it was doing exports fine earlier today before updating, I checked my task manager and there is nothing else running on my system taking up resources. Anybody else experiencing this?

  • Yesterday I built a project fine in CW today I'm getting "An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again." while trying to build the same project. I have no special characters in the game name, package, or assets, not sure what is causing this, is this possibly server side?

  • How do I control 3rd party SDKs added in CW in C2, do I have to write my own C2 plugin to access the SDK?

  • On Left button Clicked



    Platform has wall to right

    Player>Set Y to Player.Y -32


    Player Set X to Player.X +32

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  • I would just find a website or api already with a time on the page (Not really worth setting it up yourself). Eg: for this website you can ajax request it then load it into xml, and extract time with xpath like : "//textarea/text()" to extract the timestamp, to get "1412415775" which is a time format, you can google how to measure the time differences between them

    I can't figure any of this out, first I can't figure out how to pull the timestamp off any webpage, ie, the one you posted, so I made my own php file that write the current time in unix timestamp on my own webhost, but the only way I could get the AJAX request to pull the time stamp is if I exported my project then uploaded it to my hosting, seems you can only do AJAX requests for files hosted on the same server, how is this going to work if the target is mobile?

  • IndieKiwi Something like that would work but the timer wouldn't run when the app is closed.

    newt It's for an iOS game, I wouldn't be worried about people accessing it from a browser. "In other words use the bad habits to your advantage." Don't really know what you mean by this, it's an IAP focused game, more free lives by setting timer ahead=less IAPs purchased.

    I'm just trying to figure out how to access time from a server, has anyone done this successfully in a C2 game?

  • I'm trying to create a life timer, every x minutes you receive a life, which is simple enough with a timer and variables or using the date plugin to compare and save system time and give lives, but all the user has to do is set their system clock ahead then run the game and get full lives again. Anybody successfully implemented a cheat proof life timer, maybe that checks time on a server to give lives with an ajax call? I wish their was a way to do this without requiring an internet connection, but I guess thats not possible with just variables. Any examples of how this has been implemented would be appreciated, thanks.

  • jobel Glad you figured it out, I've recorded footage for trailers 1080 that look great with 10-15 CFR.