twg's Forum Posts

  • [quote:2hvn8s1c]Strange. Maybe a bug with one of the newer C3 updates. I had no problem with it when I first tested my game (Which was end of december) I don't know but I can test it in the next days because I plan on finishing my beta this week so I would do a build on the weekend.

    This is what I've been using: 720x1280, Margins 0x0, Unbounded Scrolling, Scale outer, Viewport fit: cover

    I also haven't changed any of the settings on xCode.

    The issue is with the C3 build server not using the latest version of Cordova-ios.

  • [quote:2a04flyy]Yeah the whole screen was filled for me. Can you upload a c3 file so I can have look at it to compare it with my files?

    It's doing this with a blank project, with no events. Just set a bg color, and set project properties to 1280x720, scale outer, viewport=cover.

    Are you using the default CDVLaunchScreen.storyboard and are you changing any of the settings on the view constraints?

  • > Bump. No one has tried exporting and running a C3 game on iPhone X yet?


    I'm also testing my game on the iPhone X simulator right now. I'm using Portrait only with 720x1280 and scale outer and also cover mode. The only thing I did different is that i'm not using a LaunchImage but rather I'm using the Storyboard. Here is how you can use it: ... oryboards/

    But other than your game it worked pretty good.

    Is your game filling the entire iPhone X screen? I get the same result with launchimages and storyboards, I have tried changing the constraints on the storyboard and using the safe area and still get the same result as well.

  • Bump. No one has tried exporting and running a C3 game on iPhone X yet?

  • I added some boxes that are set at the viewport edges on all sides to try and see what is happening.

    Without a launch image added

    With 2436x1125 LaunchImage

    Not sure what is causing the whole viewport to get shifted to the left, it's just a blank layout without events. I'm thinking this is a C3 issue because the LaunchImage I set takes up the whole iPhoneX viewport but when the game loads the viewport is shifted off the left of the screen.

    Anyone that has got there project to display correctly on iPhone X I would appreciated any input, thanks.

  • I'm having trouble getting a project to display correctly on iPhone X. I have Fullscreen mode set to "Scale outer" and Viewport fit set to "Cover" and the game is a 16:9 aspect ratio. When I export to Xcode and load the project on my phone it looks like this.

    I get the 2 black bars

    So I added an iPhone X LaunchImage(Portrait 2436 x 1125) into xCode

    Now there is one black bar on just the right side

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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  • Updated to r76.2 and I can't import audio anymore, with existing projects or new projects. I open up the import sounds dialog, I've tried both dragging files and the file picker. I select the mp3 file I want to import, it shows that the encoding has been completed but the Import button stays grayed out and says encoding audio when hovered over. I'm getting this issue in the latest versions of Chrome, Edge and Firefox on PC and Safari on mac, anybody else having this problem??

  • PM'd.

  • A relaxing puzzle game about numbers on floating islands. Swap any two blocks on the island, keep swapping until you

    unscramble the number on the island.


    4 different environments spanning over 50 levels.


    Tap any block, then tap another block to swap locations.


    Relaxing, meditative soundtrack.


    Rare plant life native to these islands, never before seen on Earth.


    There are islands, and they are floating, there is nothing holding them up, it's like magic.






  • twg What is the differences between Canvas+ and Webview or Webview+? In which situation I should use which? I had tried Canvas+ but I got no luck.




    Honestly performance for games I've made has been absolutely horrible with Webview, I've been able to get a constant 60FPS even on really low end devices with Canvas+ and have never had a problem getting it to work.

  • I just finished a mobile game with ads & IAP recently with C2, it was compiled with Canvas+ for iOS and Android, it was pretty straight forward, no more work than putting an ad sdk in past Unity or GM:S games I have made. I used the Verstala Heyzap plugin found here , I am currently using Admob, UnityAds, Vungle and Heyzap video and reward ads in the game. The plugin is extremely easy to use, comes with good documentation for set up also.

    I ran into a few hiccups getting compiler errors but literally 99% of the time it was because I messed up with the config.xml in Cocoon. A few tips for things I did that made everything work.

    1. When exporting from C2 make sure Minify script if unchecked and PNG recompression is set to "None"

    2. When zipping your C2 project for upload to Cocoon do not include the config.xml file or the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file in the zip, I manually add the plugins myself in Cocoon.

    3. Set Multidex enabled to "Yes" for Android builds.

    4. Make sure every plugin you are using in C2 is also included in the Cocoon.xml file.

    5. Make sure any plugins you are getting from Github have the ".git" appended to the end of the URL in the Cocoon config.xml file(See example configs below).

    6. Check in Cocoon under Installed plugins and make sure Cocoon didn't add any of the "Whitelist" plugins to your project, I got a black screen everytime one of these plugins where included.

    Example iOS config.xml with Verstala Hepzap plugin, Cranberry Game Center leaderboards, EddyVerbruggen Social Sharing Plugin and Cocoon IAP plugin.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<widget xmlns="" xmlns:cocoon="" xmlns:cdv="" id="YOUR_BUNDLE_ID" version="0.75">
    		<author email="YOUR_EMAIL" href="">YOUR_COMPANY</author>
    		<content src="index.html"/>
    		<access origin="*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="http://*/*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="https://*/*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="tel:*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="sms:*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="mailto:*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="geo:*"/>
    		<preference name="Orientation" value="portrait"/>
    		<preference name="Fullscreen" value="true"/>
    		<preference name="target-device" value="universal"/>
    		<platform name="android">
    			<allow-intent href="market:*"/>
    			<preference name="enabled" value="false"/>
    		<platform name="ios">
    			<allow-intent href="itms:*"/>
    			<allow-intent href="itms-apps:*"/>
    			<preference name="enabled" value="true"/>
    		<plugin name="com.ludei.canvasplus.ios" spec="*"/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-admob" spec="*"/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec="">
    			<variable name="CALENDAR_USAGE_DESCRIPTION" value="This app uses your calendar"/>
    		<plugin name="" source="npm" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" source="npm" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source="npm"/>
    		<plugin name="" spec="*"/>
    		<plugin name="cocoon-plugin-inapps-ios-appstore" spec="*"/>
    Example Android config.xml with Verstala Hepzap plugin, Cocoon Googleplay Services, and EddyVerbruggen Social Sharing Plugin and Install Location plugin.
    [code:2n8kg8d3]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<widget xmlns="" xmlns:cocoon="" xmlns:cdv="" id="YOUR_BUNDLE_ID" version="0.86">
    		<author email="nYOUR_EMAIL" href="">YOUR_COMPANY</author>
    		<content src="index.html"/>
    		<access origin="*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="http://*/*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="https://*/*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="tel:*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="sms:*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="mailto:*"/>
    		<allow-intent href="geo:*"/>
    		<preference name="Orientation" value="portrait"/>
    		<preference name="Fullscreen" value="true"/>
    		<preference name="target-device" value="universal"/>
    		<platform name="android">
    			<allow-intent href="market:*"/>
    			<preference name="enabled" value="true"/>
    		<platform name="ios">
    			<allow-intent href="itms:*"/>
    			<allow-intent href="itms-apps:*"/>
    			<preference name="enabled" value="false"/>
    		<plugin name="com.ludei.canvasplus.ios" spec="*"/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="" spec="">
    			<variable name="CALENDAR_USAGE_DESCRIPTION" value="This app uses your calendar"/>
    		<plugin name="" source="npm" spec=""/>
    		<plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source="npm"/>
    		<plugin name="" spec="*"/>
    		<plugin name="cocoon-plugin-application-android" spec="*"/>
    		<plugin name=""/>
    		<preference name="android-installLocation" value="auto"/>
    		<plugin name="cocoon-plugin-social-android-googleplaygames" spec="*">
    			<variable name="APP_ID" value="YOUR_GOOGLEPLAY_SERVICES_ID"/>
    If you have did all of those things you should not be getting compiler errors, if you do it's because your plugins and config.xml aren't set up correctly. If you are getting it to compile and getting a blackscreen, I suggest compiling a developer app with Cocoon, installing it on your test device and checking the Log in the developer app to see where you are getting an error. I ran into a problem where everything worked fine on iOS but was getting a blackscreen on Android, after compiling a developer app and looking at the Log I found the problem was the Cranberry Game plugin used for leaderboards wasn't working on Android but was working on iOS, so I switched to the Cocoon Googleplay plugin and everything worked fine.
  • >

    > >

    > >

    > > Hi,

    > > just go to your cocoon project settings -> android -> Set multidex enabled to Yes.

    > >

    > > Regards

    > > Andy

    > >


    > I get the same error with Multidex set to yes or no. Only way I get it to go away is deleting the plugin, maybe I should try the Cocoon Google plugin instead? Just kinda weird cause Cranberry game is working fine on my iOS builds with Game Center.


    Yes try the Cocoon Plugin. I always use those plugins and they are working fine for me.

    iOS works diffrent then Android in account of the plugin SDK.



    Thanks Andy, I guess the Cranberry game plugin isn't working right now with Android, I added the Cocoon Google Play plugin and everything is working fine now.

  • Hi,

    just go to your cocoon project settings -> android -> Set multidex enabled to Yes.



    I get the same error with Multidex set to yes or no. Only way I get it to go away is deleting the plugin, maybe I should try the Cocoon Google plugin instead? Just kinda weird cause Cranberry game is working fine on my iOS builds with Game Center.

  • Having problems with the Cordova Game plugin when compiling with Cocoon. My compiles work fine building for iOS but when I build for Android I'm getting this


    /workspace/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: /workspace/platforms/android/src/com/ludei/injector/android/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithDexForArmv7Debug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzabs;

    Any ideas cranberrygame ?

  • Hey guys my game Lectro 2 is out now.


    Google Play:

    App Store:

    Description: One tap controls move you from one ball to the next. Collect powerups that speed you up, slow you down or clear the entire screen for maximum points. Will you aim for bigger ball that is easier to hit, or aim for the smaller ball that is worth more points?