tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • glerikud I agree, but if it's no longer supported or way too outdated, it's better scirra remove it from the bundle. But if there's enough developers using it, making their voice heard i think it would be considered, either by Scirra or Kongregate to provide an up to date plugin.

    Maybe you can make a shoutout on the forums and see who would be interested in that kind of plugin, then e-mail kongregate saying you have X amount of users looking for an update to this plugin. I bet it would be in their interest to provide that. Just like lucid and photon are providing plugins for their services, as more users would mean more ad revenue for them as well.

  • I think it's good that Scirra is focusing on making a good tool for making games, instead of making plugins for monetization. Even the slogan on their front page DOESN'T say. "Monetize Games EASILY". Although it's easy to get hold of SDK's, and with a little bit of knowhow make your own plugins, i think it's good if there's options by the devs of those platforms. Although I think if you're really invested in your project, you'll find a solution.

    1. Design your game for platforms where monetization works well. After you earn a bit of money see point 2.

    2. Pay a coder to create the plugin you need for monetization on other platforms.

    3. Learn how to make your own plugins, it's good to know, but if you can't do it. See point 2.

    4. Team up with a coder that can help you with the monetization. If he don't want to do it for free, see point 2.

    5. Put in a request in the Plugins subforum. If there's not much interest from the community, see point 2.

    5. If you think there's a market for it, see point 2, and start earning money by selling the plugin on Scirra store.

    There's community created plugins for steamworks and all other kind of stuff so why not monetization plugins?

  • I guess you mean like this?


  • Maybe this thread will help?

  • I guess you're looking for some kind of ease? starts slowly, then faster, and slower ... Check out sin or cos? i think they are your friends in this case.

  • Distance for a full circle = 2*Pi*R

    Distance for a certain angle = ((2*Pi*R)/360)*angle .. R being distance(object.x,object.y,pivot.x,pivot.y) ... on the moment of collision.

    Speed = distance / time

    It must travel at 20 pixels / tick

    So for 1 tick .. ((2*Pi*R)/360)*angle should be = 20

    ((2*Pi*R)/360)*angle = 20 ... how much angle to rotate per tick ? (R is known)

    ((2*Pi*R)/360) / 20 = 1/angle ... or angle = 20 / ((2*Pi*R)/360)

    Hope this stands, not that big of a math brain. Dont forget to 'dt'.

    Thanks, that worked perfectly. angle = 20 / ((2*Pi*R)/360)

    Just the kind of formula I was looking for. Thanks!

  • I have an object moving 20 pixels per tick. When the object reaches a certain point a sprite is created which will be a "pivot point" to which the moving object will pin itself to. At this point the movement stops and the object starts to rotate instead around this pivot point, until it reaches a certain angle.

    Is there any formula to calculate so that the rotation around that pivot will have the object move at the same rate of 20 pixels per tick? For this example let's say the pivot point is 100 pixels to the left of the moving object.

    How many degrees per tick would be equal to the object moving at 20 pixels per second around this pivot point?

  • The weirdest idea i had, was making a game for phone or tablet using touch, where you basically squeeze pimples :p but then I saw someone already made that.. lol

  • STARTECHSTUDIOS This thread is about successful games. high eCPM doesn't make a game successful. If a game has 50 installs even $100 eCPM will never make it sucessful. Just because someone offers a higher eCPM you're still not gonna get rich if no-one plays the game.

  • Looks like the game is running smoothly. Good job.. I'm curious to see what else you will do next.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I think you can do it by lerping a random position.

    If you're using the scrollto behaviour, create a dummy called (CamAim) object that has the scrollto behaviour.

    Create another dummy object called shake.

    Every random(0.2,0.8) seconds.

    ---> Shake, set X position to windowWidth/2+(random(-10,10))

    Every random(0.2,0.8) seconds.

    ---> Shake, set Y position to windowHight/2+(random(-10,10))

    You can replace "WindowWidth/2 & windowHight/2 with your characters XY position if or any other point where you want the camera to be center.


    Every tick.

    Set CamAim position X to lerp(self.X,shake.X,random(0.1,0.2))

    Set CamAim position Y to lerp(self.Y,shake.Y,random(0.1,0.2))

    I don't have Construct 2 in front of me now, but something like that should work,

    This should create some kind of slight random movement.

  • I'm also wondering. Wanted to put up some tutorial as well.

  • Good job making a game but you can have some legal trouble using unlicensed name and artwork like that.

    Do you have permission to release a DragonballZ game, with the name and artwork? Otherwize you can have a lot of legal trouble.

    I also saw that you used Anonymous logo in the background. And there's probably a lot more "borrowed" artwork that can get you in big trouble if you release it. Even if you release it completely for free, you still need to get permission by the ones who own the rights/licence for DragonballZ. I'm not saying to be rude. Just to save you from a lot of legal trouble.

    Or you may risk that google play will remove your game for violating copyright.

  • That's friggin cool! I can see a lot of use for this, if there's a way to load objects.

    I've been trying out Q3D but it was not really what I was looking for. As I wanted a combination of 3D objects and 2D objects in my game, that could be inline.

    My main goal was to make the characters in 3D in a 2D isometric enviroment. Kind of like.

    Little Big Adventure. https://youtu.be/wyXX8ET95IU?t=376

    Commandos 2. https://youtu.be/4pnfCbuOslo?t=713

    Would that be possible using this approach?

  • ~30,000 downloads and only $150 a month? That's a horrible ad revenue

    It depends on the game. AD revenue doesn't fit every game. 30.000 downloads with maybe 1$ per CPM would still only be just $30 if all those players saw an AD on average 5 times. Sounds about right.

    ADs is a terrible monetization choice unless your game has a long life. Fit's well on games that has a long life time, like candycrush, angrybirds etc, where you expect people play daily, for a long time. If you're making a game that you can finish in an hour / couple of hours, then never play again, AD's is the lousiest way to earn money. It doesn't matter if your game has 1 Million downloads you will never earn a lot if the player only sees a couple of ads during the whole playthrough, then uninstall.

    I think many devs think Free with Ads fits every game, and they can get a lot of downloads and earn a lot of money, but it all depends on the game. You have to design your game around the monetization model to have them coming back and play over and over, otherwize Ad's is useless.

    Or let's turn it around.... Let's say you earn $1 per CPM, that means ONE player has to see 1000 ads in order for you to earn $1 from that player. If your game is fun enough and the player sees on average maybe 10 ads every time he plays. He has to play your game 100 times, for you to earn one lousy dollar from this player.

    I think the reason many games don't earn a lot is because the choose the wrong way to earn money for their games. Ad's can be very lucrative if you're game is a hit, and your game is designed for people to play daily. But if not, choose different monitization models. IAP's or just simply sell your game for 99cent would earn you way more than AD's if your game is short, and you don't expect your player to play your game during a long period.