tulamide's Forum Posts

  • Yes, you could do it with python.

    (Enable scripting in application properties)

    Create a "start of layout"-event and add the following script to it:

    def doublequote():
        return "\""

    Then, whenever you need a double quote in a string, do it like so:

    -> Text: Set text to Python("doublequote()") & "seems to work" & Python("doublequote()")

    I haven't tested if this will also save to a file correctly, but it should.

    EDIT: I just tested the following, which set the text to "yeah" not yeah

    -> Text: Set text to """" & "yeah" & """"

    Looks odd, but seems to work.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm from germany.

    (who didn't know that yet?^^)

  • I answered this in another thread already. CC does not recognize environment/path variables in a string. That's what the path object is for. Add it to your project and retrieve the app data path by using the expression "Get App Data".

    You can get all system paths by using the path object.

    In your case the path string would be build this way:

    Path.GetAppData & ".minecraft\config\file.txt"

    And don't forget, it's a backslash, not a slash.

  • The effect is called "Color Fusion (Masked)" and you can download it by following the provided link (halfway down in the first post of the verve-thread).

    About effects and plugins: Don't think about it yet. The "built-in" plugins and effects are powerful enough to bring you far along the road. It's only when you have special demands that you may need special behaviors or effects. And everything (yes, everything apart from online multiplayer network code) can also be realized with events. So, there's no need to install anything until you know you need it.

  • Some time ago I made an example game called "Verve!". It features pretty much everything Construct offers, and every single event is explecitly commented. It uses the car behavior, handles bumping, uses math to get values like km/h or covered distance. It is not a racing game, but may help with the basics.


  • Genug Deutsche Sprache um tulamide zu macht spass : Schnapps <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">


    Et l'un des mots fran?ais les plus connu en Allemagne: "baguette". Mais pour moi ?a c'est fran?ais:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    , Blueberry

  • Happy new year from germany. It's only 2 hours late ;)

    May all your wishes come true (at least the ones that are not selfish :P )

  • Hi I've managed to compile the Construct IDE (Editor) Using Visual Studio 2010 and may one day get rid of the directX and use openGL.

    I'm fairly new at C++ but am still in college taking courses.

    I also do plan on making a portable edition that doesn't use the registry.

    I've already managed to get it to run on Windows Vista with Areo Enabled.

    So to answer your question, yes I Hope to make a new version and contribute to the Construct Development Team!

    Thank you for you quick reply. That sounds promising. I'm really looking forward to some results, specifically the OpenGL port. :)

  • Noch ein deutschsprachiger hier. Deutschland/Schleswig-Holstein. Bedenkt aber, dass es nicht gern gesehen wird, hier in irgendeiner anderen Sprache als Englisch zu schreiben.


    Another german-speaking one here. Germany/Schleswig-Holstein. But please consider that generally it is not encouraged on these forums to write in any other language than english.

  • I don't know, I'm sorry. But I'm curious. Looking at your posts I see that all of your questions are about Construct itself (the source), not about the usage, like most people ask for help. May I ask why you are so specific to the source? Are you compiling some special Construct version, and could that be of interest to others, too? (e.g. an OpenGL port or a no-install-version)

  • Does no one understand what I asked for? I don't want multiple events, for example: take your capx and the event "Is animation 'Red' Playing?" rather than having it seperate I want: "Is animation 'Red' or 'Blue' or 'Green' or 'Purple' Playing?" for reasons I do not feel the need to explain.

    I know you won't listen, because I tried to explain it two times. We did understand, but the simple fact is, "or" in a programming language does not work like "or" in a spoken language.

    While you can say, "Is the apple's color 'green', or 'red', or 'orange'?", and everyone will understand you, for the logic of a programming language you have to phrase, "Is the apple's color 'green', or is the apple's color 'red', or is the apple's color 'orange'?", which is a tiny little difference for us humans, but a huge one for logical operators.

    The first one will look to Construct like so: "Is the apple's color 'TRUE', or 'TRUE', or 'TRUE' "

    Now 'or' returns true if any of the elements result to true. They all result to true, no matter what the real color's name is, because they are non-empty strings, so the result will always be 'TRUE'.

    What you need is a way to get the boolean 'TRUE' only if the apple's color is either of the three color names and 'FALSE' in all other cases.

    That's why the second one is so important. There you have three evaluations and every single one will only be true, if the apple's color matches that name. Let's say, the current color name is 'green', then the second one will look to Construct like so: " 'TRUE', or 'FALSE', or 'FALSE' "

    That's important as soon as the real color of the apple does not match any of the three color names. Let's say, the color of the apple is 'purple'.

    First one will still read as: "Is the apple's color 'TRUE', or 'TRUE', or 'TRUE'" That will result to 'TRUE', so the event will be executed, although the apple does not have the correct color.

    Second one will read as: " 'FALSE', or 'FALSE', or 'FALSE' " That would result to 'FALSE', just as we expect it to be.

    As soon as the type mismatch issue is corrected by Ashley, you still have to phrase it the right way.

    Block.AnimationName = "Block1" | "Block3" | "Block13" | "Block14"

    will still not work (as I explained above). It is phrased wrong.

    Block.AnimationName = "Block1" | Block.AnimationName = "Block3" | Block.AnimationName = "Block13" | Block.AnimationName = "Block14"

    is the only way to make it work as you want it to behave.

  • Of course it does say so. You would have to "or" the comparisons itself. So that you have 4 comparisons in that event that are or'd. With CC you would do

    Block.AnimationName = "block1"


    Block.AnimationName = "block3"


    Block.AnimationName = "block13"


    Block.AnimationName = "block14"

    and every line is one condition (4x Comparison, 3x OR). I guess then it isn't possible to "or" conditions in C2? But in the manual it is described as if possible:


    Maybe there is "evaluate" as a system condition?

    EDIT: In general, remember that any logical operator just compares to boolean values (TRUE or FALSE) and nothing else. Those values may be replaced by expressions/conditions that result to either TRUE or FALSE (like "if a is greater b"), but it needs to be something that results in a boolean value.

  • It's a logical operator. You can't compare against a collection of logical or'd strings. I don't use C2, so I can't say if this is doable with the event system, but the correct way to get what you want would be:

    Block.AnimationName = "block1" | Block.AnimationName = "block3" | Block.AnimationName = "block13" | Block.AnimationName = "block14"

    This will result to true, if Block.AnimationName equals one of the four strings.

  • 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9     Index


    89-61-49-92-35-37-86-39-12-64    Variable (random) ArrayA

    12-35-37-39-49-61-64-86-89-92    Variable (sorted) ArrayB

    09-06-05-10-02-03-08-04-01-07    ID ArrayID

    + ArrayB: For each element

    ++ ArrayA: For each element

    +++ ArrayA: Value at ArrayA.CurrentX Equal to ArrayB.CurrentValue

    ---> ArrayID: Set index ArrayB.CurrentX to ArrayA.CurrentX

    1) Array indices in Construct are 1-based (first index is 1)

    2) Copy ArrayA to ArrayB after having generated the random numbers and sort ArrayB. A simple bubble sort algorithm will do.

    3) After setting ArrayID, it will look exactly as pictured above. You now have a double reference (both index and ID) and can find either the ID from a value, a value from an ID, an index from an ID, an ID from an index, an index from a value or a value from an index. Just peek at the right positions of the appropriate arrays.

    4) The events posted above will only work, if the random generated numbers are unique! 3-1-7-4 will work, 3-3-4-4 will not.

  • lol couldn't tell ya. This has been a problem for me since I started making games. I've always wanted some sort of condition like so:

    If (Object with value A) collides with (Object with value B) then do something with (Object with value A)

    but I don't think it'll ever happen..can't really say why either, it seems pretty basic.

    Well, that already exists. Just use sub-events and private variables. For example, let's say there's a sprite with pv 'myID'. Three instances of that sprite exist. Their pvs are set to "red", "green" and "blue".

    + On collision between sprite and sprite (this will put both instances on the sol)

    ++ sprite: Value 'myID' equal to "red" (this sub-event will only select the instance with pv "red" if it is already on the sol)

    ++ sprite: Value 'myID' equal to "green" (same as above)

    ++ sprite: Value 'myID' equal to "blue" (same as above)

    With such a construction any two (or all three) instances that collide, will react according to the sub-events. Of course, you could further narrow down with other conditions/sub-events. For example, 'for each' as a sub-event to the 'on collision'-event will loop only through the instances that are already on the sol (which are the instances that collided).