tulamide's Forum Posts

  • Ah, my bad. Solar is right. I just tested in edittime, where everything's ok. But in runtime it tiles after 23 and 15 instead of 24 and 16. Never noticed that before. I always work with n� textures for the tb, and those work.

    So, to get them tiled 24x16 you need to add one row and column (paint a 24x16 tile on a 25x17 canvas)

  • Would be interesting to have the original, because I couldn't reproduce it. Loaded several 24x16 images and the tb always tiled them correctly, no lines missing.

  • Until it is fixed you should be careful, what you put in your private galleries.

    This line, entered in Google, gives EVERYONE access to a lot of PRIVATE galleries:


    I found 249000 entries with this line, and all the ones I tested directly pointed me to the private galleries of dropbox-users, including their account names.

    Dropbox and Google are both informed of the issue, but it may take a while, so be careful.

  • I think, I have to stress the first paragraph of the opening post:

    "You are creating one cycle or period of a waveform, that will be used in synths like AM Freehand, or for wavetable synthesis."

    You are not generating a sound, no sample. Although the shapes may look like sound, they just describe one cycle of a sample-rate- and time-independant waveform. Such output will usually be recalculated to a bandlimited wavetable (as in AM Freehand) to be used as an oscillater which in result will produce sound. If you would just listen to the raw cycle it would sound a bit awful, with aliasing.

    The editor has a resolution of 512. That means, 512 informations describing one period of the resulting wave. Let's put in some time and frequency information:

    If the sample rate of the target instrument is 44100 and the frequency to be played 440 hz (standard pitch A) then those 512 informations represent 2.272727273ms or ca 100 samples of the sample rate

    Played at 880 hz (one octave higher), they represent 1.136363636ms or 50 samples

    Played at 220 hz (one octave lower), 4.545454545ms or 200 samples.

    But it is exactly the same waveform at all frequencies. And the generated waveform can be used with any sample rate/frequency combination, of course. The 44100 were only an example.

    That's why they are not played. It would need a wavetable synthesizer with conversion to bandlimited waveforms over the frequency spectrum built into the app, to make them produce sound.

    It is much easier to run some synth like AM Freehand (yeah, I named it quite often, but it is a fantastic and free VST instrument, and I didn't want to advertise any commercial one) parallel to the editor, quickly export and load into the synth and so on.


    If you used the frequency thingy in xaudio, couldn't you make something similar?

    When not working with waveforms as described above, but with short samples, you can do a lot more than that. Just look at this very rough, quick demo of Da Capo, a sequencer originally meant to assist in music based games, but abandoned a few months ago. Use the play button to play a melody sequence (entered as midi notes behind the scenes) while interactively changing bpm, base tune or instrument. And to prove that it really isn't some prerecorded melody you might even want to use your own instrument in .wav format. Just make sure, it represents standard pitch A (A3 on most samplers/DAW). But remember, it is not the next Logic/Cubase/Reaper, it is a skeleton only (it not even uses a simple adsr envelope, it just plays the samples as they are, plus frequency shifted)


  • > You're better off using a tiled bg object for your tileset and image offset to get your tiles!

    What are the implications on memory usage for loading the tileset texture for every tile, though?


    So it's definitely not possible it seems. I don't like the idea of loading the tileset texture into, maybe ~1000 tiled background objects and I don't think it would work anyway since I'm using irregular 24x16 sized tiles. Any other bright ideas on how tile maps could work in Construct?

    You didn't get the idea. You'd create just one tb-object and load the tileset into. Then you use as many instances of this tb as you need. In your example, every tb instance would have that 24x16 size while the actual tile from the tileset is selected in runtime using the image offset actions of the tb. Picking of the tb-instance can be done in various ways (for each-loop, pv, uid, etc.). This way you will have exactly one copy of the tileset in VRAM. This method is more or less what you would use in tilebased game makers.

  • Why not using two text instances? You can change the parameters independantly. To select the correct instance in runtime you could add a pv and use a condition.

    Example: text_instances.cap

  • Just a hint for anyone who might also run into a similar problem: Most often it is sufficient to just duplicate one of the effect files and rename it to the missing one. You won't have the functionality of the missing effect, of course, but at least you are able to open and edit the cap.

  • Thanks, zyblade!

    And I also think, this one is a smooth and at the same time quite easy (compared to other methods) way for a designer. In this example it uses only 3 events to achieve an already impressive FOW. Now what would it look like, if you'd use the total control you have over every aspect of the fog, to change shapes, coloring, opacity, set game action spots, animate the fog, etc., etc. ? <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • This application lets you compose a waveform. You don't create a wav-sample, nor does it produce any sound. You are creating one cycle or period of a waveform, that will be used in synths like AM Freehand, or for wavetable synthesis.

    You design your result with up to 5 waveforms that you combine with mathematical operators. For synths you may export the result to a text-file with a newline-seperated list of values. Those files can be exported directly to synths like AM Freehand and many others.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11182740/construct/WaveEditScreen2.png" border="0">

    (1) The Menu

         - Open a project

         - Save a project

         - Take a snapshot of the current sliders

         - Apply a previously taken snapshot to the current sliders


    (2) Tooltip Window

         Shows some hints as well as the path of an opened, saved or exported project.


    (3) Resulting Waveform

         This waveform is the result of the combination of all the composing waveforms below.

         - Normalize switch, if inactive result is clipped

         - DC balanced switch, if active result will be cleaned from DC offset

         - Select 1 of 4 different export sizes (as samples per cycle)

         - Export waveform button, exports to raw text (newline seperated)


    (4) Composing Waveforms

         These waveforms are the building blocks for the resulting waveform. Combine them in any way you like. If you want one waveform to not have an effect to the result, just set it to 0 amplitude, 0 DC offset and choose the add-operator.

         - Select 1 of 5 different forms: sine, square, saw, triangle and seeded noise

         - Operator button: Click to toggle between add, subtract, multiply, divide, min and max


    (5) The Parameter Sliders

         Here you may change the parameters for the connected waveform. Choices are frequency, phase, amplitude and dc offset.

         - Click and hold knob to slide through the values


    (6) The Preview

         Here you will see all waveforms that you've set to "visible". The preview works with a resolution of 512 samples for that one cycle. When exporting in a different size, the exported waveform may look more or less detailed, depending on the export size. Also, the seeded noise is only consistent with the first value, when exporting to a different size.

    (3) and (4) share the following buttons:

         - Visibility, click to toggle the visibility in the preview on or off. Note: You may change parameters while a waveform is invisible.

         - Color, click and hold to open the color palette and choose another color

    The waveform editor comes with a selection of project files for you to explore.

    Download: waveform editor.rar

    Comments welcome.

  • ... though I'm still confused about how to get that extra zero in there, I should be able to figure it out somehow. There are various ways to make it.

    For example, just combine two strings and use the expression Right()

    If 'seconds' is a global number variable and 'strSeconds' a global text variable, then

    +some trigger

    -> System: Set 'strSeconds' to Right("00" & 'seconds', 2)

    would first create a string like "001" and then take only the rightmost two letters -> "01"

    Even easier is using ZeroPad():

    +some trigger

    -> System: Set 'strSeconds' to ZeroPad(global('seconds'), 2)

  • Although this is not my type of genre, I like it. Smooth movements, cool "freeze particles" integration, a working teamplay. The only thing that breaks it a bit is that you only see boxes instead of characters.

    ...And where are the trees? I had to fight in a wasteland :D

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  • I know it can be hard to find especially older caps on this forum. So I had a look at my online database. Here is the analog clock:


    Don't try to move the window, that functionality is broken, due to changes to the window object. The clock itself works.

  • I love FLStudio and Synthmaker as well. Synthmaker's interface is just such a relaxing one to work with in comparison to those like SynthEdit.

    This is very nice, I like the sounds. The sounds sound reverbed, is there a way to eliminate that reverb sound so that you can place any reverb on top of them?

    Also thought I should mention, in case you all weren't aware, xoxos has some totally awesome VST plugins that produce incredible ambient effects. There are a few of the great ones listed at the following:

    xoxos wind, rain and thunderThe effects by xoxos are really good!

    I will do an update to ANG, adding the possibility to switch reverb off. It was just that I had a most simple usage in mind, building every ambience with tuned effects. No tweaking should be necessary, more like those preset-keyboards: "Hmm, I quickly need some wind. Ah, start ANG, click wind, record, ready."

    The more advanced user on the other hand might have some special reverbaration or chorusing in mind, or have a more advanced reverb effect preferred for usage. I totally understand that :)

    I will update this thread, when the new version is ready.

  • is there any newer versions of the blob?No, you are working with the newest version. But I'm always willing to help. So, if you happen to have any idea or feature request that's within the possibilities of an effect, I'm more than happy to try implementing it.

    in that road example pic you posted, did you use some overlay sprite or is that just a textured sprite?The structure is as follows:

    1) Background layer (contains one tb with a texture)

    2) Blob layer (contains several instances of a white "blob"-sprite with radial gradiented opacity). The layer has the blob shader applied and on top of it the Burn shader.

    Hope, this helped?

  • Thank you very much. It is not easy nowadays to get commented, so I really appreciate it :)