tulamide's Forum Posts

  • Thank you mindfaQ

    That is exactly what I was talking about.


    mindfaQ's example might need some explanation for your understanding. 'Amplitude' is Y and 'Period' (or Frequency) is what you called 'distance pp' in your graphic.

  • If you try to do something similar to this, it is totally possible and relatively easy as well. The link leads to an app I once made with CC, but the graphic representation was done with the canvas plugin, and nothing else was used than "line to". Both is also available in C2 using ROJOhound's Canvas plugin for C2.

    The basic approach of drawing a waveform (be it a sinus or anything else) is to split it into segments, tiny parts of the complete wave. Those segments represent the resolution, the wave is drawn at.

    If you are not afraid of installing CC, I could give you the source the the link above. But maybe somebody else already working on a demo for C2

  • Wow... my 2-year old laptop apparently has 16k max texture size. There you go, I guess ;)Hehe, so much for the WebGL function. I really hoped it would be more reliable than its DirectX counterpart <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Welcome back Ashesh, I think you just made Scirra angry (which, as I recall, never happened before). Congratulations! And bye bye...

  • I acually prefer absolute silence. It may be due to me making so much music a day, and also that I tend to analyze music while listening in order to learn new tricks.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know the max texture size is not a software but a hardware limitation. While newer graphics cards for pc might support 8k (like mine) or more, graphic chips on smartphones might only support 2k or 4k.

    WebGL has a function to retrieve the graphic card's/chip's max size: gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)

    Here is a test page (originally created by a user to present a bug that is already solved): http://innovatology.nl/clients/rim/bb10/webglbug3/?2048.png

    It reports the card's max texture size and draws a 2k or 4k texture

  • any more tracks and/or word on your website? :) I know it's only been a short while but I still enjoy being in the loop.I have to disappoint you, I'm afraid,

    I was working on some other music. Longer tracks for the website's content.

    But I'm still not sure about the best way to go with the website. I found a provider without any restrictions regarding traffic, download, etc., but would have to create the pages from scratch, including mysql database. Or I could use wordpress, also pretty much no restrictions, and give the pages the look of traditional webpages rather than a blog. But with wordpress I'd need to host all music somewhere else (dropbox?).

    Well, first things first. I have an operation on Tuesday, going into hospital for a week on Monday. So I won't be able to do anything for this thread during that time.

    And when I've returned, although not related to this topic I dare to mention it, I'll start my second event: There's a mystery that has to be solved with the help of the creative Scirra community.

    Assets for the event are prepared, so it should start right after my returning.

    To not let you down, meanwhile here are three songs, only available as a download from dropbox.

    1) Guarding your sleep is an older song, not related to gaming in any way.

    2) Ode to Blossom (Remix) is a rock remix of the song "If thy soule check thee that I come so neere", that you can find on my soundcloud profile.

    3) Eighties is a retro 80's kind of music, especially made for gaming

    Please note that all the songs are not free to use. I only license you to listen and share. Please don't use them in games, videos or any other media.

    And thank you so much for your interest <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    • Post link icon

    Oh boy, grow up. And don't underestimate Scirra.

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  • Sure, I'll help as much as I can to clear things up for you :)


    Read the article again and can?t find a passage where he is judged to 250k.I never said so.

    This is what I wrote:

    Also I added just one of quite a few verdicts. In this case a group of people, who printed a brochure using the red cross on white background although not related to the red cross federation, were sentenced to pay 607?, and also aren't allowed to ever again use the sign or the brochure. If they do, they will have to pay 250,000?

    And here are the paragraphs from the verdict to prove me right:

    "I. Der Beklagte wird verurteilt, es bei Meidung eines f?r jeden Fall der Zuwiderhandlung festzusetzenden Ordnungsgeldes, ersatzweise Ordnungshaft, oder einer Ordnungshaft bis zu sechs Monaten (Ordnungsgeld im Einzelfall h?chstens 250.000 EUR; Ordnungshaft insgesamt h?chstens zwei Jahre)zu unterlassen,..."

    Short form: Don't you ever use that flyer again, or you'll pay 250,000? (or go to jail for a maximum of 2 years, if can't pay)

    "II. Der Beklagte wird verurteilt, an den Kl?ger 606,30EURzuz?glich Zinsen in H?he von 5 % ?ber dem Basiszinssatz seit dem 17. Dezember 2004 zu zahlen."

    I rounded up to 607, I didn't think that I would have to mention every cent ;)

    The red cross wanted 40k+Lawyer etc. but the flyer-dude didn?t have to pay anything besides 606,30?. The rest was obviously invalid, because of a earlier case where the court has decided different. He could?t know that.

    Please correct me, if i?m getting things wrong here, I?m not a lawyer.Absolutely correct, hence me saying they were sentenced to pay 607?

    To your second statement... of course this example was pretty obvious, but I guess you don?t see the difference in using a symbol in creating something like a rivalry-product than to use it in a context, it doesn?t affect things.It wasn't a rivalry-product. It wasn't a product at all. It was a flyer explaining first aid methods in case someone gets hurt in a demonstration. And that's why I chose this verdict. If you can't use a flyer explaining first aid using a red cross on white background in doing so, then a game using first aid kits with a red cross on white background will also not be allowed (if someone sues you, that is)

    I mean ....you see thousand of mercedes stars, MacBooks, coke cans etcetcetc every day in television. What about that? You could?t even wear a adidas-pullover in your home videos :DThat's called 'product placement' and is a very welcomed business to advertise products without actually marking it as a commercial.

  • Beaverlicious

    I'm sorry, but you are the one who should be more careful. The passage you quoted, was the petition of the plaintiff. The court instead sentenced exactly what I wrote. You will sure find the correct passage, if reading it again with a bit more attention.

    And thank you for confirming what I said several times in this thread, which is, that the use of the red cross on white background is reserved to the red cross organistion. I also think, just like you with your coke example, that it should be self-evident.

    And the flyer btw. was about first aid on demonstrations and events

  • I can't really follow that arguments.

    Well its not like you can run Mac os on any thing other than a Mac.ell it's also not like you can run Windows on anything other than a pc.

    With Linux you pay for it in time spent learning to use the system... Ever tried to change assumed simple system settings on Windows as a newbie? Say, switch off bubble help, or permanently change the way folders display their contents?

    ...and you can bet Apple will continue its yearly hardware updates, that are technically years behind in technology, ....at a vastly higher price.So you are against freedom of choice? Everyone should buy a pc and buy Windows? What's hardware to do with my point that all operating systems are free right now, except for Windows?

    Maybe they followed Window's 8.1 steps, but I'm pretty darn sure they will charge for their next OS overhaul.They didn't follow. It's the full version of an operating system for free (btw., not only that, but their office suite and a lot of other tools, like garageband etc., are also free now), wheras you had to pay for Win 8. Also, arguing with something that may or may not happen somewhere in the future is a bit weak. The fact of my list stays untouched.

  • That's an interesting view.

    But I tend to see it less complicated:

    Linux - free

    Mac OS X/Unix - free

    Android - free

    Windows - not free

  • It's free now

    If only Microsoft would follow...

  • I wouldn't know of any other way than having 500+ rep (you could, for example, read the manual, and many other things will raise your rep count, too).

    From the description it seems, that the problem lies in the use of the array. But, I really can't help any further without seeing the capx.

  • A right click on the image gives you the option to view in a larger format.

    Regarding your problem there's nothing I could say to help youu further. Check if this is true:

    So either the sound names are wrong or the condition that allows playing the sound files is never valid.And of course, as soon as you are able to post a link, I'll be glad to help. Just "@tulamide" me then in the post.