Toya Aponesto's Forum Posts

  • It would be better to ask the developers themselves though... Now somebody do that pplllaazzzz.In other news, how do I make NPC move randomly? What behavior should I use?

  • Well, my NPCs aren't just gonna stay in one layout for I want them to act more realistic than just stand in one spot or move around in a map for the rest of the game. I know indeed that RPGs have not been made in Construct yet thats why I'm starting to make one. If I don make one successfully, I would probably boost the interest of others in using Construct.

    BTW, when a game in Construct is running, and that a layout is being played, are other layouts running too? or just on pause or standby or something.

    If my NPCs were to travel between layouts, I would probably need a RealTime system or something to monitor them all.

  • Since I'm making an RPG with Construct, and I'm trying to design my NPCs to travel between layouts (or maps), should I make all the NPCs global? Copy pasting them in each layout seems to slow the progress not to mention kinda useless since they'll be leaving the layout at some random time.

    Any opinions? Suggestions? Help!!!

  • My idea somehow is putting it in 1 whole layer, like when I press a button for the menu, everything in that layer appears or something, or is even created. Is it even possible to hide/unhide all stuff in a layer?

    Clicking on lets say the Item Screen, makes the Item Screen layer appear so yeah. It should also pause the game somehow when press the key that makes the menu screen appear.

  • As I look at it, I don't think COnstruct is able to make a movable menu screen. Menu screen meaning the screen that shows the char's items, partymembers, equipment, status, etc. I was thinking of making it using one layout, and that it would just return the last layout it was before it entered the menu screen.

    But I don't know... Can anyone recommend steps or pseudos on how I can do this? ANything as long as I can make a unique menu system for my RPG.

  • It seems that it takes quite a lot of time to make a game with Construct. One pretty obvious reason is that I can only use 1 Construct program per project and cannot copy paste stuff from one project to another.

    Is there a way to transfer things like layouts, event sheets, etc from one project to another? I have tested that animation frames can be transfered and that their hotspots can be copied as well. Since I'm with a team of 3, the other 2 are not able to help whenever we're working with Construct. It would be better if the 3 of us could just do each of their tasks in 3 separate Constructs and just copy paste it all in one project so that it would be a lot faster and efficient.

    Any ideas on this? Should I even try to suggest this in the Feature Request board? Or is it already been asked.... Why so many questions... bla bla bla... Thanks for any help guys. Yeah!!!

  • So I haven't mingled with text boxes yet and I was wondering, is a letter by letter text possible? How do you make a text appear in a dialog box letter by letter? An additional would be its speed in showing each letter.

  • Hmm I would also like to know how to do this just like those RPG game save screens. However, saving it in .text seems a bit too "hackable". SInce its basically a notepad, someone could just open it and change the values.

  • Well, I wont need loading screens in all layouts. Just some special layouts like mini games, world map, etc. in my RPG.

    But I guess, making a fake one is the best way. Loading screens gives more feel to the rpg thing you know.

  • Mind I asking if there's a system function that lets you do Loading screens wherein while objects are being loaded, a loading screen appears? DUH..... Most of the time, when going from one layout to another, it would be a transition. But I want it to be a loading screen, where its either just black with a bar at the bottom or something, or a picture with a percentage rising below.

    So yeah, I don't see anything in the system events that could do this. Help?

  • Oh dang it! I was actually using the Compare function lol. Thanks Again!!!!!!!

  • Oh I see. That sure is messed up. I'll try to do the things you guys said. I'll hit ya back when its all fixed. Thanks a lot!!

    EDIT: While trying to fix it by myself, I forgot how to validate the global gender variable if its 0 or 1 which can be found in the Hero Movement Event sheet. The old one was using the private variable "gender" of the "player" object. I basically don't know how to do the same using global variables.

    SO howz thou does it?

  • Hmm so you're saying the Hero Movement Event works alright, but the only prob would be found in the mousekeyboard? The only globals I think I have are the objects found in the Object Manager layout.

    Still, I'm a bit confused.

  • Basically, its a start of my rpg. The problem I'm pointing at is that if you put the "Object Manager" layout as the first layout to be loaded, the RTS movement (Hero Movement Event Sheet) thing works fine, but if you just leave it as it is, (Queenies Village as 5th layout), the Hero Movement Event Sheet doesnt seem to work. Maybe I'm missing something.

    Totally confused lol.

    My .CAP:

    Again heyyylllpppp!!!

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  • Hmm yeah this community rocks.