actually, npcs in real rpgs don't travel between maps, they just move from one location to another based on story variables or whatever. I just want to inform you that making an rpg is pretty difficult.
Actually ever seance PS1 Rpgs have been doing this with a day and night timer to make there world feel more realistic.
True adding this is very hard and difficult. That why you don't see many game
with this feature.
Well, my NPCs aren't just gonna stay in one layout for I want them to act more realistic than just stand in one spot or move around in a map for the rest of the game. I know indeed that RPGs have not been made in Construct yet thats why I'm starting to make one. If I don make one successfully, I would probably boost the interest of others in using Construct.
BTW, when a game in Construct is running, and that a layout is being played, are other layouts running too? or just on pause or standby or something.
If my NPCs were to travel between layouts, I would probably need a RealTime system or something to monitor them all.
I would think the other layout would not be running.
But you should test this out.
Maybe if you have the map like Zelda (like one big *** map and break it down into sectors) that might work.
and the other way I can think of is calculate the position of the NPCs based on a timer.
I have notice that some game that do what you want have a day and night timer feature to it. Their is now doubt in my mined that they do it with a day and night timer,
and this would be your best bet for making this work.