Toxic's Forum Posts

  • Using r82 64bit.

    When ticking view tickboxes for Status bar, Property bar etc.. the tick appears and then disappears instantly although the ticking action does hide/unhide the tool pane.

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  • Right - the support with the new collision suppression works really well now and the joint swings freely now. I've also sussed out how the 'stretchy' joints works. If you increase the density of the main support up to about 10, the joint is rock solid, so it's a function of mass. While this works, it may not always be desirable to have such dense objects, so a 'bolt joint' function would still be nice to have.

    I wait to see if you find out where the rotation mucks with joint.

  • Thanks Ashley. I tried the invisible support before, but there were problems with collisions on the sprite 'facade'. Now you've put in the disable collisions function it may work better. Will report back on that.

    This is all good though as it's done in the name getting C2 to have rock-solid bullet-proof physics.

    One other nice to have... the joints seem to have their own elasticity and stretch if you exert force on them. It would be great if there was an option to 'bolt' the joints so they were not allowed to stretch under any force. Means we can have really wicked fast spinning/moving things.

  • This is a an effect which has got significantly worse since r79. It happened a little on r77 but was manageable.

    I'm creating a pendulum beneath a spaceship using revolutes

    The capx is here:-

    Use the mouse to get the ship to move around. The animation has to change when the ship reverses to make sure it stays up the right way. When the frame changes, the revolute origin (connection point) moves slowly away from where is should be with each change.

    Also getting "stretching" if the object connected is too dense and this could be the physics catching up, but the weird moving of the origin is definitely a calculation inaccuracy (a bug) as it wasn't present in r77.

    Tried to force the chain back to the origin, but got an epic fail when I tried... As my current game relies on fun with joints would be great to see if this could be fixed. I know the animation change is making it worse, but I have to change frames.

    [Using Chrome on 64bit C2]

  • Thanks Ashley, that's good news. I might revert to r77 for now as I'll have less to do once the bug is fixed (though the particles are tempting). Agree about animating physics objects. In the context I'm doing it, the collision mask is - as near as possible - identical between frames. Gonna experiment further with the 'support' idea though as it may come in useful.

  • Further update - I got the thing to stay together using the frame change reconnect technique but now it stretches oddly away from the connection image point the more it swings around and also seems really "stiff". <img src="smileys/smiley13.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> - All the hard work on the gameplay down the pan because the game idea is not viable with revolute not working smoothly.

  • OK so neither of these techniques work.

    Object - On Frame Changed - Create joint = joint still breaks

    Support... instead of the smooth jointed swing I had before it's all jerky and the joint acts like it's limited..

    As it stands, development on my game (which relies on the joint) is gonna stall completely. I have to change the animation at some point.

    Any ideas?? Don;t wanna go back to r77 because the family vars and particles are so cool.

  • Whoa... I sort of get it but it makes things more complex. The bug fix looks like it does the opposite of what it says... i.e. it looks like physics no longer support changing frames or do you mean forcing the frame change? What was the bug?

    So - I either need and event... object on frame changed...recreate joint... or I need an event to keep the support 'facade' image point at the same x/y as the support itself. Is that right?

    Which it the most efficient cpu cycle-wise?

  • HELP....

    Downloaded r78 and found that the revolute joint breaks when either animation frame changes or animation set changes. Trying to roll back to r77 but having some problems...

  • That's definitely constant. Great work - but... question... you've got a blank sub-event, is that needed? and I can't work out why the arrows are jerky. FPS seems fine.

  • The sprites seem to spend a constant time between points. This means they speed up dramatically if the points a far apart and slow right down if the the points are close. Any way of altering the spline formula to account for this and get a constant speed?

  • I like this. I was doing something similar with discrete sprites. BUT... what goes on with revolute joints? They are supposed to linked "like with a pin" but they streeeeetch. It's doing my head in.

    You can see them stretching gently but grab the spawner, move down so the rope touches the ground and yank up quickly... the joints stretch so much that the links start spinning and flickering.

    Is there any way to may the joints solid? Does this class as a bug?

  • Ok... R0J0hound wins and laughs at clunky puny attempt. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Good work.

  • I've spent some time fiddling around with waypoints.

    Works quite well once you get the hang - check out the demo...

    I'll try to remember my dropbox account and upload the capx