Toxic's Forum Posts

  • Ah yes - every tick accelerate works - thanks. I'll have a bit more of a play

  • Aslo tried push up out of solid after collision... nothing.

    But oddly if I move the sprite forward manually in 1px steps (not set speed on custom movement) the push up out of solid works.. hmmmm

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  • Been playing around with the custom movement on C2 and I'm stuck.

    I tried this....

    Sprite on custom movement.

    Sys - On start of layout - accelerate sprite towards... or even just accelerate...

    Nothing happens despite the stepping mode. Is this a bug or not implemented.

    Also if I set a horizontal speed (sprite does move) then try push up out of solid - again no joy.

    Any ideas?

  • Hi,

    Has anyone done any work on a "Follow Path" behavior for CC2. In game dev platforms like Kodu there's a robust path editor which you can get objects/sprites to follow. I'm surprised it's not in the main tool download as you'd often want a monster to follow a path for a platformer type game. I saw someone had this built for Construct Classic.



  • I'm trying to pick up an object with physics using the mouse.

    I can do this easily but the object always moves from its default image point. If it's a long block I want to carry from where I clicked so the physics gravity rotates it and it "hangs" off the mouse.

    Seems I need to dynamically set the image point of the block dynamically.

    Any ideas how I do this?

