Tomycase's Forum Posts

  • Try to move this part in a subevent under PlayerPoints >= 5

  • I figured a better way to do it that give you more control on the typewriter effect, don't have my pc at the moment tho, I'll edit this post with the file link later today

  • Ok I found a method :

    It uses 2 texts objects, "TextSample" which contains the full text, and "Dialog" which display the text character by character;

    "Dialog" uses two variables : TypeSpeed, which is the typewritting speed, and TypeLen, which is used to check the progression of the typewritter;

    In this example on Enter pressed, it repeats "the number of characters in TextSample" times this action:

    Wait Dialog.TimeSpeed x Loopindex seconds, set Dialog text to "Self.TypeLen" numbers of characters from TextSample starting from the left, then add 1 to TypeLen, so during the first loop it will return the first character, second loop, two characters, etc;

    The sub event check if the last character from the right in Dialog is a space or not, if not, it will play a sound;

    Btw you can replace TextSample by a global variable to access it from anywhere in your project, and also give to Dialog a boolean to confirm it is currently typing to avoid any trigger problem

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  • It is because in your event, the player 5 points, triggers once, that means it won't trigger again when the ship reach it's destination, and so that both player and ship conditions must meet at the same time;

    Move the "trigger once" in a sub-event for the audio and ship angle actions, it should work better

  • Okay I found why my system don't work, len expression detects how much characters the typewriting text will have from the beginning, where it detects current lenght with the addon I use, I think Sizcoz method will work better on C3 then

  • Can you post a screenshot of the English version of Construct? I don't understand the language on your screenshot so it would be easier for me to help, sorry

  • Bumping just to be sure you got the notification, as the website was a bit buggy for me recently

  • Is that something like this you're trying to achieve?

    Edit : Welp the website notified me 10 hours too late lol, glad that you solved it

  • That looks very useful, thanks!

  • Try this :

    Textbox -> On Text changed

    Text = "Password" -> Button : Set visible

  • Hi, I think the only way would be to record the screen at runtime and set the captured region, tho I don't know if it's possible with C2 plugins, maybe there is a third part plugin for this?

  • Alright it's fixed! You'll see that I reorganised the event a bit differently, so the Fall animation can trigger corretly but the character can also walljump when close to a wall and not necessarly falling;

    Also this is a little bonus but I added two extra frames to the jump animation, so it was easier to check the walljump feedback ^^

    Something I can recommend tho is to use a mask sprite that will act as the hitbox and pin the sprite to it, to avoid any hitbox and origin inconsistencies, for example the origin of fall animation was making the sprite a little jumpy because not well placed compared to jump origin, with a single box sprite you can avoid this easily ~

  • Ah sorry I didn't focused correctly on the code part, now I see what's wrong, instead of checking if player has wall to left or right, it checks if there is no wall, the result won't be the same;

    Also no problem I don't mind giving some help ^^ I'll look in depth tomorrow when I get some time

  • Did you try the method I sent you? Also if you're confortable sending your capx I can try to mess around with the code and find a solution, I already worked on wallslides before

  • I don't know if you solved it since, but adding "Attack is not playing" condition will prevent any actions to run while the attack animation is playing