Tomycase's Forum Posts

  • System : Pick by comparison

    Select the object to compare and which parameter from the object to compare (x, y, variable,...), in your case the boolean that determine if the NPC is talking, equal to 1 if true, equal to 0 if false;

    All the actions next to this condition will pick this specific object;

    Don't forget to compare the family and not the individual object so it can pick any object in the family that meet the condition;

    Also I still recommend you to read the manual

  • Really, how so if I may ask?

  • I won't be available to craft an example for the moment, meanwhile I recommend you to check C2 manual about system conditions :

    There are also a lot of existing topics about the question, a google search should do the job;

  • Good, using this boolean you can pick which NPC is currently talking or interacted with (system event "Pick by comparison"), and then create the HUD sprite next to the NPC, and in the same action set the HUD frame/animation based on the NPC variable, for example if variable = Happy, HUD : set animation to NPC.(your variable), and when exiting the dialog, destroy the HUD object

  • Hi, you should take a look on Spriter website and youtube, as far as I know there are some good tutorials out there on how to use it

  • Actually a variable given to a family becomes an individual variable for all the object it contains, you can select an object with that variable inside the family, but also outside it, if you check the object variables in an event you'll see that it shares the variables of the family, it's better than creating a variable for each individual object;

    Back to your mockup, do your NPCs have a variable that define if the player is talking to them? Like a boolean that would be on if talked to, and off if not

  • Hi, can you make a mockup of the result you want to achieve? That could help us to figure the best solution for you

  • Hi, try to give your sprites an ID variable that match the button UID, so when you click on a button, you can pick the correct sprite based on this variable :

    On button clicked :

    -Create Sprite at X/Y

    -Sprite : Set ID variable to Button.UID

    Then use the system action "Pick by comparison" when button clicked

  • Hi, if you use the platform behavior, try to disable it and simulate the fall with an event, for example :

    -Player.animation = Death :

    Every tick > Player Set Y to (self.Y+1)

    Then give a timer behavior to your player so on death, start the timer to reset the level

  • Hi, do you want the chain/rope sprite to look like an actual chain/rope with multiple parts and physics or can it be a straight line?

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  • What type of game? Which style? Cartoon? Realism? Pixelart? Plateform? Rpg?

    You need to be more specific when you're asking for that kind of help or you won't have a lot of returns.

  • Hi, in the conditions of your objects, you can check if they are in between two angles, then you can set if they must be mirrored or not :

    If between 90° and 270° : Set mirrored

    Else : Set not mirrored

    Edit : since you're not using Set Angle here is a similar solution, use the System Condition "Is Between Two Values" and compare your object behavior angle of motion the same way I explained in the above example

  • Hello, if you could provide an example of the result you're aiming for, that would help a lot, because right now your question is very vague, thanks

  • Hello, your variable is working just fine, as plinkie said it doesn't reset, which is also a problem when you game over or quit the game since the variable doesn't reset to 3, causing instant game over or new game with less than 3 lives;

    Here is a fix to your text displaying problem :

    Also you need to reset manually the Numberchances variable each time you quit the current game or game over, for that you need an event associated to the buttons :

    Also do you use the full version or demo version of C2?

  • How does it currently look when they stand in each other, can you post a screenshot please?

    And also a screenshot of the code that make them follow the player if you don't mind