I've gotten an issue with Crosswalk ads for my game. When testing my game, there's a delay in my ads appearing, the delay is around a few seconds. This can be quite intrusive as my full screen ads is supposed to appear before the Main Menu appears but because of the delay it appears sooner, most of the time during gameplay as my menu is pretty simple so it's quick to get into a game.
This is also the case with banner ads to, it's quite frustrating. I'm using Cranberry's admob plugin and i've set up my admob account so i don't know where the issue lies. I've tried pre-loading both banner and intersitial ads but still the same result.
Also, another thing is that when i download the game for the very first time, the ads don't appear when you play the first time and the game starts to lag alot. Once you exit and re-enter the game then the ads appear with the delay and the game performance improves.
Sorry for the long post but hope someone can help.