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vtrix thanks, fixed for next upload
Thanks, have found the bug will be fixed on next upload (when the footer of this website shows version greater than v886)
If you visit:
And then press:
"I have a problem with items in an order"
And follow instructions, it will show you their contact details.
Alternatively, if you visit the items page, there is a support URL website link if the seller filled it out.
Currently only shows bundles you've made - if you want to see the bundle your asset is in you can just visit the asset page and scroll down to see included in bundles. I don't have a plan to add this in sellers pages right now.
What asset is this for, and is the issue still there?
pzUH what category for specifically please?
They are not allowed in the first place because categories operate on a strict white-list of permitted extensions. I'm not familiar with all file types, so if some are missing I need to be told so I can add them in.
For design reasons, once a bundle is sold it cannot be edited.
New update out so video ordering should now work
Effects now allows jpg. This was a mistake, if you run into any other extensions not permitted just let me know and I'll add them in.
RE video ordering, this is fixed for next upload.
Just released search for the asset store, will be adding more filters + improving responsive design going forwards.
We do get asked this from time to time - it's just not going to be added in I'm afraid as the accounting would get extremely complex. I know it sounds easy to do, but it introduces a lot of really difficult problems. There will never be enough demand for this to make it worth my time to implement I'm afraid.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
eleanorjmorel you can now upload that file to those categories you named.
vtrix margin now added for next upload. To order Youtube videos, put them in the right box. (EG vid 1 comes first)
danuyos sorry about this, fixed for next upload. It's a bug when bundles appear in report.