Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • JouBqa The worms have a simple "patrol" behavior to walk back and forth on platforms. To have them work on ceilings you'd not only need to reverse the gravity but change the y collision offsets to negative values and probably their hotspots too. There is a "Metroid Zoomer Behavior" .capx on the forums somewhere that can have them scale walls, floors, and ceilings alike if that's what you're going for. A quick search should bring it up. Hope that helps!

  • Why is GameRooms layout size 10,10? I want to have bullets destroy when they leave the layout (so the player can also shoot 3 bullets at a time) so 10, 10 wont do as they would destroy instantly. Should I just change the layout size to the size of game map?

    edit: Destroying Projectile when its not on-screen instead of when it's not on layout worked for the bullet limit

    The layout is 10,10 because I have "Unbounded Scrolling" enabled, making the layout size irrelevant. You will have to check if objects are off-screen instead of outside the layout like you said, though.

    Haven't been able to use Construct in a long while and I'm having some trouble remembering stuff. Anyone more experienced with this want to give a step-by-step on how to make a new map + minimap with this? I was able to edit the GameRoom map but I'm not sure about all the steps you need to take when starting from scratch...

    Edit: So this is what I got this far: Add roomgrid to Grid layer, background to background layer, tiles to their layers, door left and right, roomzone to roomzone layer. This seemed to work. Do I need to add controller menu and controlle rooms and on what layer? Then I drew the new room on the minimap. Am I missing anything or is that it?

    Yep, that's it. A new room is nothing more than a roomzone and a minimap tile. You only need 1 room_controller - it just stores and handles the room transition variables and such. The controller_menu does the same, but you need 1 per menu.

  • Greetings...

    I have some quick questions about your kit. Let's go...

    1 - I see in the video an option to change the character armor. This system is inside of th kit?

    2 - About the room and the map hud: If I make a room, I have to make manually the same room in the map hud?

    3 - The kit looks awesome, and make a good motivation to buy with the Construct 2. But after the release of the Construct 3, you want ot make your current kit compartible with Construct 3 or make a whole new, updated kit only for Construct 3? (Asking, because I have no problem to export, but can be nice to have your opinion as develeper of your kit)


    1- Yes. The armor is an upgrade that protects the player from lava, changes his accent colors from orange to red, adds an item tab in the sub-screen, and is included in the save data so you don't lose it and so the item doesn't show up again after being collected.

    2- Yes the minimap is built in a separate layout. It only takes a few seconds to add a new room and you can put icons or text or other extras in it too.

    3- The game kit should be 100% compatible with Construct 3 already!

  • Hi, I bought your kit, but it does not have that water effect <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    Please upgrade your kit with this water effect in the lava, or else send me that beautiful effect, please! Thank you very much!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    That water "system" was not advertised anywhere for this game kit, just the lava which was seen in the video and the "Hot Lava (Ouch!)" in the feature list which was just a little joke. (The lava is in there and has some FX, but not what is seen in the ZM Engine video.)

    It's a pretty advanced particle system that I'd rather not include in this kit, but might sell separately with more features and heavy commenting. Sorry!

  • > -The text tags / commands and queue are set up using regex and dictionaries. I learned this from the Dialogue System Template on the Scirra store, but added a lot to it to give individual characters and words their own behaviors and effects.


    Glad to know my hacky way of doing things has learned you something

    Hey, if it works

  • -The text is a series of sprite objects with each frame acting as a character. They are spawned based on a string. If I recall correctly I used find() to get the index of the character so I know which frames to use.

    -The gray boxes behind the text act as the main spritefont object and contain all of the parameters such as the text to display (unless loaded externally), character map, size of text, etc.

    -The text tags / commands and queue are set up using regex and dictionaries. I learned this from the Dialogue System Template on the Scirra store, but added a lot to it to give individual characters and words their own behaviors and effects.

    -Word wrapping was accomplished by processing the text and adding newlines where necessary.

    Mine is functional and is already being used in some of my projects, but I think it lacks features that people will eventually need before submitting it to the store, such as horizontal and vertical alignment, justification, support for variable-width fonts, character scaling, and so on. Each one of these features affects the others so it's been very difficult to figure out. I would hire another programmer to finish all that but I don't know who to go to, and I don't have the time to figure it all out myself right now.

  • Great stuff!

    Just a question:

    I will like to know what kind of programming/scripting knowledge do I need for build my own levels, customize it and ultimately create my game.

    Im not a programmer but an artist so will love to pick it up if its affordable enough for me


    This kit is aimed more at intermediate Construct 2 users but I've gotten a lot of great feedback from complete beginners as well. No external programming/scripting is required for anything in this kit, just C2's events. As for building your own levels, you literally just add new camera zones, tilesets, and door objects in the layout editor, then a little mini-map square. Almost every single event is heavily commented so it should be pretty easy to pick up and figure it all out, but you should familiarize yourself with Construct 2 first of course!

  • Tokinsom I saw this and thought of you, I seem to recall you wanted something along these lines?

    Yeah this looks very interesting! Thanks for the heads up!

  • Either simulate the jump (it's a platform behavior action) or set its y vector to -self.platform.jumpstrength or some other negative value for a different jump height.

  • it's possibile to replace the asset with larger png non pixel? i like to make something HD,thanx.

    Yes the kit doesn't use any hard numbers; it's all adjustable!

  • Metroidvania game kit is currently 50% off!!! Happy holidays!

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  • "Neat" is correct. "Useful" not so much. This exact fire effect is the only thing I've seen GMS2 users do with it and, as newt pointed out, that's a ton of wasted frames. Something like CC's plasma object, particle spray with blend modes, or some canvas tricks could produce much better (and dynamic!) effects at a fraction of the cost.

    We can do that with spriter pro but i doubt C3 would ever have that... Scirra doesn't have enough manpower for addon features. Yoyo Games is getting better than Scirra every year that passes. That is just my honest opinion.

    Well we haven't seen anything on C3 yet, so. In my honest opinion GMS2 looks pretty empty and is sorely lacking in "next gen" features. It's what GM:S should have been in the first place.

  • For what it's worth, Hypercam works with NWjs. Everyone uses OBS these days, though.

    I mean, if some recorders work with NWjs and others don't then I would have to agree with Ashley and say they're at fault, not C2 or NWjs. Hypercam's doing something right. Framerate still sucks though.

  • andreyin bilgekaan Ha, I'd like to get it on there but it's still missing some features like horizontal & vertical alignments and variable character width. These aren't completely necessary but I think it would be hard to sell without. I quit working on this a while back since it was enough for my current project but I'll try finishing it.

  • Search tool is your friend ;D