Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Most if not all music tracks will have a "tail" or "remainder" at the end consisting of reverb, delay effects, decay of an instrument, etc. or maybe the composer simply wants some sustain at the end of the track that overlaps the following loop a bit.

    As such, the loop needs to start playing at a specified point shortly before its previous one has ended, resulting in a bit of an overlap. This can't be done with the Audio object's built-in looping.

    However, this can be done with audio scheduling. Problem solved!

    Or so I thought... It appears that Construct doesn't allow you to stack playback of identical music tracks, so when I go to play a new loop just before the end of the previous one (as to not cut off the remainder) it instead replaces the previous loop and...yep, cuts off the remainder.

    This isn't a problem when using 2 different tracks (e.g. having a one-off intro track overlap the beginning of a different, looping track) so I don't understand why we can't also do that with multiple of the same track, unless it's some sort of safety measure to prevent people from doing this on accident (in which case there should just be a parameter to define how many "stacks" or "layers" of the same track can be played simultaneously - this would actually be very useful for sounds!)

    Anyway, hopefully I've explained this well enough. Ashley would it be possible to allow this or add an option to do so? I can file a suggestion if needed. The only workarounds are to have a duplicate of the same music track with a different name and then alternate between the two, or play the music tracks from the sound folder...but obviously neither of those are a good idea lol.


  • I've been asking this question for years and have never gotten a solid answer, nor has it somehow ever seemed to be of much importance to other users. It's the first instance of an object you ever make, it's the one in the top-most layout, yes it can be changed, no it cannot be changed, etc.

    It's infuriating when you end up with your "default instance" somehow magically inheriting the properties of some random other instance instead of the first one you created, or whichever you want. This not only becomes the one created at runtime, but the one properties are inherited from when placing a new instance in a layout from the project bar.

    I suggested a "make default instance" button years ago but it never happened.

    All this time and I too still don't fully understand the inner workings of it :')

  • Agreed this would be very useful, but not sure if it's possible. Add it to the suggestions platform or tag Ashley?

  • Very useful. I just recently opted for spriteswapping instead of 8+ color replace shaders due to performance issues on many instances, so this might allow me to do that after all.

  • And dictionaries inside a dictionary!

  • I tried

    Some of these things have since been fixed, but not the big ones. A "default dark" theme is still missing and would be welcome.

  • Ah, wonderful! I switched to the stable channel a while ago so I hadn't seen that yet.

  • With the new scene graph feature, I was hoping to be able to assemble a heirarchy of objects in an "object bank" layout, then create that as needed during runtime via a single event.

    For example, an invisible dummy object would be the parent to a bunch of other objects that comprise a pause menu, or perhaps a large complex enemy with multiple parts / unique instances. So "create dummy object" would effectively create my whole pre-assembled pause menu or complex enemy on the fly during runtime, and destroying the dummy would destroy the child objects as well. (Yes, I know containers create / destroy their partnered objects at runtime but this is different.)

    Is this not possible or am I just missing something? It looks like hierarchies made in a layout only pertain to those exact instances.

    I suppose this would be more akin to Unity's prefabs but wasn't that sort of the point with the scene graph feature to begin with?

    Still not ideal but you can change "main" in package.json to load a specific version.

  • tarek2 dop2000 This has nothing to do with the latest version. I'm getting a crash when trying to log in on r210.2.

    EDIT: Changing my password also fixed this issue. Odd.

    Ashley Do we need to file a bug report or are you aware of this?

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  • TheRealDannyyy I'm using stable though

  • I have probably thousands of hours clocked in C3 (desktop & chrome) while online so there is no way this "ready to use offline" notification hasn't popped up by now. I'm sure I've seen it once or twice.

    However, without internet access...

    If I try to launch C3 desktop version: Nothing happens. I get ghost nw.js processes.

    If I try to launch C3 browser version from my desktop which I "installed" from Chrome: I get a blank white screen with a C3 logo so large I can only see the top half of it.

    If I already have C3 open and lose my internet connection: Preview stops working.

    If I already have C3 open and happen to be logged out: I cannot log back in and am locked out of paid features, preview, etc.

    Is there, like, something else I need to do? Is this all just outdated information?

    I vaguely recall one time I lost my internet connection while working, and C3 - after 5 minutes or so - just automatically switched to some offline version and I think it gave me a notification. I haven't gotten that since.

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  • I just meant it runs slower now. The desktop version has always been faster / more responsive, but since the latest update it's now on par with the browser version and I'm getting things like:

    -Choppy panning & zooming in the layout editor

    -Editor Textboxes (like for modifying instance variables in the layout editor) take a long time to update, sometimes up to 2 seconds after I'm done typing.

    -Scrolling through the property window or expanding / collapsing properties is really choppy.

    It's as if there's some perpetual heavy background processing preventing the editor from running at optimal speed. This is all in high performance mode / etc. on a high powered ryzen workstation, too.

    Everything else is A-OK and I fully support the direction the desktop version is going in.

  • Unfortunately, as of the latest update, it seems the desktop version now performs identically to the web-based version. Any chance this will be improved in the future?