Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • LemonDROP You can use any kind of graphics or resolution you want! We're just using pixel art because that's our thing. Nearly everything is coded using variables instead of hard numbers so it only takes a few tweaks to have full HD game or whatever.

  • Yeah that would be nice. The current way to do this is to "hack" it in with some program I forgot the name of.

    I only got it to work once and the icon was warped. Fun stuff...

  • Yeah and every one of them has seams..The "right" way to do this is with an effect like Scroll by Somebody. Sadly it doesn't seem to work properly on export and he disappeared a while ago.

  • Well this is just lovely.

  • Thanks for the links guys. We ended up going with GitHub (signed up for a month before discovering bitbucket) and SourceTree because GitHubs desktop client is pretty rough. Got a nice little workflow going now

  • Thanks I'll check those out.

    I wish game engines like this would stop putting everything in a single program. If we had external level, sprite, object, etc. editors then everyone could just work together in real-time over dropbox lol. Or they could use online collaboration like SuperPowers.

    Ashley Any chance either of these will happen for C3? GM:S has version control built-in, and Fusion 3 allegedly has GitHub built into the editor.

  • We've been using Visual SVN / Tortoise for a long time, following Ashley's tutorial on it. Honestly it's been a bit rough so we've decided to look elsewhere.

    We settled on GitHub last night. It seems really popular so why not. Anyway, I have a basic understanding of it all, and we've got our repositories set up and ready to go.

    Problem now is the workflow. Every tutorial/example I've seen is for contributing to massive open-source community projects and such. We don't want that. We just need a simple workflow for 2 people to work on the same project. I'm not sure we need to delve in to branching and pull requests and everything...can't we just push/pull on a single copy? Or, if anything, have a development branch to push/pull on, and merge it to the master branch once a week or so if there are no conflicts?

    If you've got experience with GitHub I'd love some input here. We're just trying to find the simplest, quickest, and safest way to collaborate. Without command lines, if possible. We'd like to stick with the github desktop client / online github.

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  • Node webkit is packaged with the game so even blank projects exported with it are around 25mb.

    You must be using some huge images or music files or something. Our project with over 1000 images and 3000 events comes out to ~52mb.

    Edit: NW exports to 3 platforms as well. Is the filesize you posted all of them together..?

  • It's pretty rough with C2. I blame the .caproj file, among other things. 7soul pretty much summed it up though. Never rename anything, and be wary of removing objects. You actually can work on the same file so long as you don't modify the exact same part of it; SVN will do its best to merge the working copies. However, conflicts are inevitable so it's best to learn the many ways to resolve them. We've often had to crack open .xml files and manually fix things :T

    I really wish Ashley would consider online collab for C3 like SuperPowers has. That's the single best idea I've ever seen for an "internal" game engine.

  • megatronx It's taken a bit longer than expected since we're bouncing between this and Copy Girl. I'd say another 2-3 weeks. Mostly for finishing the map, finishing touches, audio, and promo stuff. I'm also thinking of including a walk-through video since this might be confusing for beginners.

    Ragevortex I actually haven't considered any short/melee weapons ^^; The metroidvania in it mostly refers to the open world system & map...and metroid since it stemmed from my ZM engine. As I said before though, we are open to adding new things in later updates.

  • ryanrybot Ha! Well I've been in game development for ~8 years and this is the first thing I've ever sold so I want it to be good! Also very fortunate to be able to work with an artist like 7soul.

    Also I want to say that we'll probably put out an update or two after the launch for additional content. For example, I'm not sure if we should bother adding more abilities like Super Metroid had, since they are just "fluff" at this point. The goal is to teach the fundamentals of a metroid-style game and provide a solid template to build on, so they don't seem very important. However, if those are things some of you want we'll see what we can do.

  • Update #4






    -New areas

    Almost done!

    Wow mods are really slow on this one. Middle of the day too.

  • If not your events, it might actually be your keyboard. Try certain key combinations and then press up to test.

  • Pretty sure Ashley is working on editor spritesheeting for C3 so that will drastically improve preview times. Until then, however...