nvbenegra You can participate as a C2 developer, but you have to understand JavaScript, HTML and CSS as well. Also you need to be familiar with how JSON and C2 Dictionary works if you want to create something more advanced.
So because C2 and AirConsole are not fully integrated, this game jam is not for those who are new to game dev (or it's at least harder for newbies) but it's still possible.
Regarding snippets. I spent many hours months ago to figure out how to implement those things and I would be very grateful if someone could share those snippets back then. But no one did back then so I'm doing it now to save some devs here many hours of investigation, testing and frustration.
I really don't understand why you say "no more snippets". Please note that I am not an AirConsole or Scirra employee. I just share my experience here. If you find it useful - I'm glad. If not - well, keep investigating/searching further.