How to use this section
"This condition is triggered after the interstitial (the one that pops up after the video is completed) is clicked"
Do I have some events to add there?
This is the place which triggers once the user saw the entire video AND he clicked the AD. So if you want to reward him extra for clicking the ad, then this is the place. Please note that AFAIK encouraging users to click the AD is not allowed by Google policy. Still such condition is available, you can for instance show a "thank you" message here or whatever suits your app needs.
Secondly, can you guide me how to avoid giving reward if the user close the video before the end?
This is an issue of Ludei's AD library and occurs only on iOS. It's already reported to Ludei (Cocoon) and we're waiting for the fix. I'm sorry about that but I can't do much myself as the issue is not in my code.
Please note that this shouldn't be a crucial issue as the nature of rewarded video is that the user decided himself that he will watch the entire AD because he wants to be rewarded. So I'm pretty sure that cancelling a video happens in less than 1% of cases.
But yes this is a technical issue which has been reported to me already. I have reported it to Cocoon team. Now all we can do is wait. Hopefully they'll fix it soon.