Good afternoon. Just bought the personal version of Construct 2 and couldn't be happier :)
I am having trouble getting a random function to work. I am attempting to create a turn based game, where the enemy has two options each turn and picks a random one of those two each time. This is what I have.
Global number 'Target' = 0
Global number 'Turn' = 0
System / Turn = 2 - Set 'Target' to floor(random(1))
System / Turn = 2 - Play 'Animation1'
System / Target = 0
System / Turn = 2 - Play 'Animation2'
System / Target = 1
On 'Animation1' finished - Set 'Turn' to 3
On 'Animation2' finished
Right now animation1 plays every time. If I disable animation1 then nothing happens. Please help me learn how to use random properly.