ThresholdGames's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • What might work for you is to edit your functions for the fade out and fade in and make sure they are asynchronous. The little clock shows wether an action is asynchronous. Then use the 'Wait for previous actions to complete' action after you call the functions.

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  • igortyhon Maybe I am missing a step then. When I test in xcode, I don't get any functionality from my iap events. Would you be able to summarize the steps to setting up in app purchases correctly?

  • In a game I'm working on I am trying to add a layer when the player completes the level that shows the victory and the next level button and stuff. I thought that if I named it the same name as a global layer I already haver set up in the project that it would become that layer, but it just becomres its own layer. Do you think there is any way to add global layers this way? Obviously I can just include the layer from the start and set its visiblity and whatnot, but I thought it might be interesting to try it this way. What do you guys think?

  • I've been trying to implement IAPS in a project for iOS I've been working on. I followed this tutorial for the implementation: [url

    Here is how i implemented it in my game:

    When I attempt to make a test purchase it in xcode, nothing happens. The guy in the tutorial said that iaps dont work in construct 3, but its an old tutorial. Am I just not testing it right?

    Has anyone implemented them successfully for iOS in construct 3?

    Any suggestions would be awesome.


  • There is an expression called zeropad. You can use it in the event where you display your text like this:

    + System: Every tick -> Text: Set text to zeropad(Score,5)

    So the first number in the zeropad expression can be a variable such as your score, and the second number is the number of places you want to display.

  • You could try something like:

    A is overlapping B at offset Y(10)

    Every Tick, set A x pos to B x pos

  • Vimlark on Youtube has A great tutorial series called Rock Smacker Tutorial.

    Here's a link to his channel:

  • Hi,

    In the game i'm working on, I have a player object with the physics behavior. The object is moved by clicking and pulling back on it with the mouse, angry birds style. It has a density of 0, and prevent rotation is checked. The friction coefficient is 0.5, and elasticity is set to 0. I'm using a tilemap for the platforms in the game. Some of the tiles are angled so that if the player jumps onto them, they slide down. This works fine if the player falls onto the angled tile from high enough up, but if the player jumps onto the tile from a short way up, he gets stuck and wont slide down the tile. I tried creating a sprite that to cover the angled tiles that would set the friction of the player and the tilemap to 0 when it is overlapped with the player, but it didn't fix the problem. I have tried several variations of telling the player object to move down the slope when overlapping the cover sprite, using move to, apply force, apply impulse, set world gravity, set velocity, but none of these fixed the problem the way I implemented them. I also played around with different levels of density, friction and elasticity on both objects.

    Thanks everyone, let me know if I can provide more info.

    Here is the Capx for the project. I covered up my tilemp with blue so it looks a little janky, but the collsion polygons should be correct.

  • 8 posts