thren's Forum Posts

  • search your hard drive .xml & .xml5 files, look for your project file name,

    you may get lucky.

  • mmm seems I don't have permissions to post links lol...

    rather silly considering I have a license and I have posted a game in the arcade previously. I understand that more info is needed, unfortunately if I cant post the capx file no-one will be able to help me.

    C-7....yes , could you give me a hint on disabling standard controls, I've looked but cannot find how to do that bit.


    maybe this will help

  • Ive done a search, Ive tried to implement it... yesterday I had it working in another test project but my char only Jumps in this one..

    Please tell me what Im doing wrong ;)

    thanks... Im a noob, but I did search for an answer.Ive tried the instructions to no availe

    Cheers in advance.. hopefully dropbox link works..

    having troubles uploading file just be a minute

  • Hi all :) Im new so please forgive my ignorance.

    Ive uploaded my game :)

    arcade link

    thanks SCIRRA for the software, thanks people on forum who answered my questions.)

    The game loads fine now, but I notice when I play it on a "new" device I need to refresh the screen to get it to run properly. Is this normal, or should I be using a pre-loader or similar for the game ?

    Once Ive refreshed the screen the game runs as it should.

    Thanks again,

  • thank you very much,

    It was doing my head in so much I dropped the idea of boxes and

    came up with another idea :)

    but....I can now add this into later levels so your solution is great !

  • nice work.

    fun game

  • <img src="" border="0">

    I have 2 layers :

    layer 1 : background image and sprites with bullet effect (the targets)

    layer 2 : the boxes (stationary on top layer)

    current target behaviors:

    on touch the targets "destroy" "add 1 to score" and "subtract 1 from ammo"

    this is working.

    What Im trying to do next, is use the boxes as a mask when the targets are behind them, to cancel the touch effect on the targets..

    if the box is touched the target behind the box it is not destroyed, Ive been trying to find a solution but cannot find one or work it out.

    any help appreciated.


    capx file

  • Hi, Im new too.

    Like the game concept and the art work.


  • Thank you very much Blacksmith.

    I did work it out from your reply.

    many thanks.

    Just payed for a license :)

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  • Hi all, Im currently trying before buying.

    Im making a shooter which has 15 targets and the player has 15 bullets.

    hit a target and you score 1 point, the target "destroys", and points counter adds a point to score, this I have working.

    If you hit a target or miss,(mouse click) the bullet counter subtracts a bullet from counter which starts at 15... got that working.

    What I cannot work out is how to make the game either end or move onto the next level once the bullet counter gets down to zero. At the moment it will keep counting down into the negatives with mouse clicks.

    Something like ...

    "if bullet counter = 0 then end game" (play level 2) ...

    Thanks for any help.
