thren's Forum Posts

  • thanks muchly !

    the pathfinding was just an attempt to try and solve the issue. I didnt realise I left in in the file.

    I did not consider adding 8 direction movement to the enemy as they moved with the other coding worked a treat.

  • Using the Ghost Shooter example as a basis, Ive tried adding barriers (using sprites with the solid behavior). The player is working fine but the enemy just passes straight through the barrier as if it is not there. Ive tried a few things but Im stumped..

    capx attached.

    Cheers for any assistance.

  • Must be an XDK issue, Ive got the email on a game with no plugins (admob etc) straight from C2 to XDK to googleplay.

    Intel are aware....

  • More info needed...

    What platform did you save your project for? Android

    What platform are your friends trying to use ? Ipad

    The above wont work

    You can save your project to the platform your friends are using though.


    Or, do you want your app to start on windows startup automaticly on any computer it is installed on?

  • Perfect for what I want. Thank you very much.

  • example attached:

    If it was a game of checkers, how do I drag and drop a circle over the top of another when they are overlapping each other completely. Ive tried centering the collision box on the bottom circle and making it small, but alas as soon as the top circle hits it it drops off center. If I make the top circles collision box small it makes it hard to "pick" to drag.

    What Im trying to get is that the top circle has to be almost perfectly lined up with the bottom circle before it is "dropped"

    Is this possible?

    Cheers for any help

  • Im making a pinball that is coming along pretty well, all the graphics done as good as I want them to be atm.

    Ive got the flippers working but need to work on physics.....need to slow the ball down a bit

    My immediate question is to do with lights,

    The light set up is : 2 frame animation , frame 1 = off frame 2 = on
    Ball collision on trigger changes frame of animation [/code:w6obohht]
    As can be seen in the pic: I have 5 lanes at the top of the table, these are triggered by the dark lines you see in the lanes (just like a real one) Is there a way to simplify the process using families or such ? or do I need an event for each trigger and light so they work independently. 
    ATM all the lights and triggers are just drag and dropped from the project panel. But as far as I can see I need to clone and code each one is that right ? I hope not... as can be seen in the table SS, I got a few lights to code  and my next table will have more lol
    Cheers for any help
  • my first attempt

    Thank you very much, your example does what I need I believe.

    Now to study .... thanks for your solution and example.

  • Im home from work, here is a capx file. (made in latest beta)

    What I want to do is:

    1: keep drag and drop inside the circle that appears.

    2: when you go to drag and drop again, the circle is re-centered on the "canons" new location

    and you can only drag and drop within the new circles location.

    if that makes sense...

    I'll continue working on a solution now Im home from work.

    Im thinking I need to create a family of both images and see if I can join them both with different behaviors...

  • Yes the circle will allways be there if you mouse over it.

    Constraining the drag and drop to inside the circle and not having the circle move during the drag and drop is the bit doing my head in atm

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  • Hi all

    Im wondering if someone might be able to tell me if this is posible in Construct 2 .

    Think in terms of a tower defence type map.

    As per picture the players avatar starts off life as in the pictures "normal state", when the player goes to move

    their avatar a ring is shown around the avatar when the mouse is over it.

    (this is not dificult, you just use animation and mouse over effect I assume.)

    The ring indicates the available area the player can move their avatar.

    Now the bit Im trying to work out

    The player then left clicks on the avatar and can drag and drop the avatar anywhere within the circle and place it where they want.

    In the game they can repeat this so the avatar can move around the map but only in steps within the area of the circle...if that makes sence.

    Any ideas on what events I should be researching to get this outcome?

    Sorry about bodgy pic, Im at work and had to use mspaint



  • Ive been messing with this game for a bit.

    Side scroller shooter

    Screen shot is of 1 of the guessed it... inside a cave.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • G'day all, spouse I should introduce myself.

    I got. Personal licence for C2 about 6 months ago and quicker than I thought made my first game which was posted in that arcade some time ago.

    My work recently decided to make me redundant, which will take effect in about 6 months, so I've decided to get a bit more involved in C2 than I have been lately,, to see if with some luck I might be-able to amongst other ideas I have...

    Make some coin making a few games.

    I live in Australia, am an old bugger but I'm pretty got at graphics.

    So hi to everyone, please take it easy on me when I ask stupid questions.....I do search a lot before asking them



  • Thankyou very much Martiny, for both explanations.