thomasmahler's Forum Posts

  • Alternatively, it may suffer from the free=bad mentality :<

    Don't think so, the quality that'll be created using Construct will kick other developers asses and once a bigger commercial project is out and the Construct hype starts rolling, that won't be an issue. Free isn't bad anymore if the thing that's free can actually generate a lot of money.

    I'm much more concerned about the free = developers don't make any money = can't keep up development issue.

  • Layer Effects only work on... well, layers. I don't want a seperate effect for each and every layer - I want an effect that's being rendered over the whole layout. Being specific, I want to add a 'sharpen' pass on top of everything.

  • 50) Add Post Processing Filters 'on top'.

    That'd be a cool thing to have. Like, during compositing, it's often helpful to add that last effect to your composition to give it that last little edge - like, a sharpen filter on top of everything to make the details come out.

    It'd be cool if we could have a layer that's put on top of the whole render and is being applied to everything in the scene during runtime. We'd still have to be able to specify where the post processing effects are active and where they should be inactive (like, you wouldn't need them in menus and stuff), but that'd be a great addition.

    51) Add 'Opacity' to the Sine Behavior. The Sine Behavior ******* rocks, it can really add a **** load of believability to assets that aren't even animated. But it'd be cool if we could also affect the opacity of sprites with the sine.

  • 48: you're much better off doing a state machine. See flags below, only set the current state in a number, add the number as a condition to the events that can only happen in the current state. Change said state within the event.

    Well, that's exactly what I'm doing, I just tried to simplify the whole thing to make my point about timers clear. That it'd be really cool if we could create a timer and access and reset that specific timer after it's been created and run.

    The timer is necessary for a couple of things, mainly setting back gvs that then trigger actions again. I just wanna be able to extend the timers time after it's been created.

    [quote:29yhjtap]49: use flags. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

    +On control "left"

    +global('movementEnabled) equals 1

    do stuff

    Ah, that's clever, yeah. Still, it'd be nice being able to have actions where we could deactivate keys until they're being activated again. Your solution will work, but it'll also mean that the 'movementEnabled' condition will have to be queued for every single control event.

    And if I only want to deactivate a specific button at a specific moment, I'll have to create a gv just for this one action, which is sorta inefficient.

  • 47) It'd be cool if there'd be an 'opacity' value under the parameters of each effect, so we could set the strength of each effect individually, just like in Photoshop or any other comp package.

    48) Is there a smart way to create a timer that can be accessed after it's started? i'm currently working on the combo system and I figured the smartest way to do it would to add a timer when the attack key is pressed and the animation plays until the 'attacking' gv is set back to 0 (which determines whether the player can hit the enemy or not).

    So if I hit 'Attack' once, it'll start the timer (which is set to 600ms) and play the animation of the first part of the combo. Then, while the first combo is still playing, I hit attack again, the timer resets to 600ms again and the second part of the animation is being played, etc.

    After the fourth combo, even if you hit Attack again the timer won't be restarted, the fourth animation completes and after 600ms, the attacking gv will be set back to 0.

    Makes sense? Right now, the problem is that I don't have access to the timer once it started. So it'd be cool if I could define a timer entity and reset the value to its default or another value again.

    49) Being able to deactivate individual controls would be enormously helpful. Say I want to deactivate only the players movement while the combo plays - only the arrow keys, but the player can still jump 'n stuff - so I'd just add a couple of 'deactivate control' actions while the combo is being played.

  • Has been asked for a million times before - hope it'll come in .99

  • I think that business model could work, really. Because it'd only force you to buy a license when you actually have a finished product, you could charge a higher amount of money - because you're going to make money with the game anyway. So it's a win/win again.

    So if the full version of Construct would cost like 800 USD, it'd still be fair, since you're probably going to make quite a bit of cash with your game too. Unity Pro is at 1499 USD - So Construct would still be at half of that amount.

    And if you calculate it up, if the full version sells 500 times, that'd be 800*500 = 400.000 USD. How large is the team? 4 heads? It'd still not be enough to make a lot of dough, but it'd be enough to live well enough while being able to work full-time on Construct. And then updates could keep the cashflow alive.

    I'm sure reading numbers like that might be scary for a lot of the users that are mainly using free tools, but in order to keep the project alive and kicking, it'll sooner or later have to bring in some dough.

  • Currently, their whole business model is based on donations I guess, so you're free to donate.

    But I'm concerned about this as well. Construct is becoming more and more powerful and we all want to set up a working pipeline and then just stick with the tools, be creative, get the most out of them. If the tool isn't being supported in the future because the devs have other gigs that keep em busy, we're all in deep ***** If Adobe would decide that they'd cancel Photoshop, I'd head over there to nutkick their management as well.

    Just because an app is free doesn't mean that you haven't commited yourself to it. Just because you don't charge money as a developer doesn't mean that you're free of responsibility.

    So, personally, I wouldn't have any problem paying for Construct. It's a quality product already and I'll use it to create a commercial product, so it'd only be fair if the developers would get their share.

    Since Construct started as a free project though, a lot of the users here would not have the money to pay for it. So, you'd have to be clever about setting up a business model.

    A viable option could be something like:

    Construct stays free and you can still simply download a full-featured version, but you can't compile to any platform with the free version. You could test the runtime just fine, but you can't compile it. If you buy a license, you'd get a couple of new buttons that'd allow you to compile for the PC, Mac, X360, etc. Heck, I'd drop a couple hundred bucks on it if I could deploy to more platforms. It'd be a win/win.

    I guess a business model like that could be attractive for most users. You could still learn the app and only if you're going to deploy your game, you'll have to pay for it - it's a fair deal.

  • 46) Just a little thing:

    I just tried to solve an 'an unexpected error' occurred issue for 30 minutes, until I figured out that Construct crashes before the start of the runtime because I had an event that set my player sprite automatically to the layer "Base" and the new layout I just added did have that spawner in it, but no "Base" layer yet.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks Deadeye, that's a really cool example!

  • So far, I root for alee and aritz.

    Their designs look neat, tidy and professional.

  • Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I love Disney. He was a ******* genius and it's always cool to see how they did stuff back in the day.

    That multiplane camera must've been such a ***** to set-up. And today we press a button to do that ***** It's always good to know how spoiled we are

  • With the per-layout VRAM controls coming soon I'd think a safe limit would be about 30-40mb a layout. This should run on literally any computer, no matter how old. If you really have to push it, then 80-90 would generally be fine, but I don't think with the new controls many games will hit this .

    Don't. Challenge. Me.

  • Woot! Awesome news! Congratulations!

  • There sure are a lot of game makers popping up right now.

    I don't give two flying ***** as long as something's released. Look at how awesome Game Salad looked in the press and now it's sorta 'meh'.

    I love Construct for what it is right now. I think we'll see ******* powerful stuff being done with it - In the end, the tool is always just a tool, it'll depend on the quality that the users will push out using Construct as a tool.

    I helped designing quite a few high profile 3d apps over the last couple of years and I've never _ever_ seen a developer deliver at 1.0 when he's never released anything before. This **** is just too complex and if you're not an artist or a gamedesigner yourself, face it, chances are you won't have all the answers right away.

    Release early, release often and let your users tell you where they want to go. In the end, they're the ones using the application, anyway.