ThirdEye's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Hello,

    Recentlly went and tried construct 3 on a phone and i quite like the idea of maybe working on a game while on the road.

    But the problem is, while it does promt me to go to fullscreen while navigating to the editor in chrome and it goes to fullscreen then, i find the option of the dedicated icon much better and faster but going starting construct like this isnt giving the prompt for fullscreen neither does construct have a button for me to force fullscreen

    first screen is how it looks from chrome fullscreen and awesome

    this is the icon to go directly to construct

    and this is how it looks like when i use the icon to go directly to construct

    Am i missing a option here and Is there a way to force it to go to fullscreen ?

    Thank you

  • doesnt work with construct 3 because of the plugin, wasted $

  • I would like my main character to be shown on different z depths when going in front or behind different objects (enemies, objects, houses, fences etc)

    i have found a plugin that was doing that task from rex but it doesn't work in C3...

    what would be the simplest way of doing something like that with C3 only ?

    Thanks in advance

  • nevermind, figured it out

    replaced 8 direction movement with path finding and now it works like a charm

  • I managed to get this working with a keyboard but i'm having some problems with the mouse

    When i give it somewhere to go, and when it arrives it switches sides fast before it goes to idle ?!

    (it might have something to do with the 8 way movement deceleration but changing the values doesnt solve the problem just makes it look a bit different)

    what i'm i doing wrong.

    gif of the problem

    pic of the event sheet

    also how could i go about adding more animation states like attack etc to this code



    I purchased C2 when i saw C3 will be available on mac (upgrade), but now i see GMS2 will also support mac also, and probably much sooner than C3 even rolls out. And i really liked C2 way of working, but cant wait forever

  • big up for Pyxel Edit aswell

  • Try Construct 3

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  • thank you will check it as soon as i get back home !

  • Anybody has some ideas how to make this camera effect, it keeps all the players in focus when they are close it zoom is and when they spread out it zooms out i would like to do something like this for two players

    Thank you

  • I think maybe its because of the character animation speed im using specific animation frames to trigger the sounds (footsteps) and when i speed up the animation or slow it down the audio changes aswell :S

  • In your project works perfectlly fine when i try it, even when i import a different sound...

    hmmm could it be that something in my game is making it sound lousy ?!

  • Hello thx for the fast reply,

    Original audio

    htt p ://ww

    Construct 2 playback

    htt p ://ww

    Im running win10, and testing in chrome

  • Hello,

    this is my first post here so a big hello to everybody !

    Like i said in the subject, i'm having some audio problems in construct 2

    some audio files i import to construct 2 get distorted and streched. The first time i imported a file i almost blew up my speakers because it was so distorted and a clip thats a 0.5sec long got streched to 10 seconds...

    I export all my audio at 16bit and 44.1kHz

    i tried to post audio examples but unfortunatelly im a newbie here and it wont allow it


  • 13 posts