Audio problems

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  • Hello,

    this is my first post here so a big hello to everybody !

    Like i said in the subject, i'm having some audio problems in construct 2

    some audio files i import to construct 2 get distorted and streched. The first time i imported a file i almost blew up my speakers because it was so distorted and a clip thats a 0.5sec long got streched to 10 seconds...

    I export all my audio at 16bit and 44.1kHz

    i tried to post audio examples but unfortunatelly im a newbie here and it wont allow it


  • Hello,

    this is my first post here so a big hello to everybody !

    Like i said in the subject, i'm having some audio problems in construct 2

    some audio files i import to construct 2 get distorted and streched. The first time i imported a file i almost blew up my speakers because it was so distorted and a clip thats a 0.5sec long got streched to 10 seconds...

    I export all my audio at 16bit and 44.1kHz

    i tried to post audio examples but unfortunatelly im a newbie here and it wont allow it


    You can get around the link posting restrictions by adding a space in the URL, usually in the HTTP part.

    It would help us to help you if you provided a .capx and also one of the audio files that corrupts.

    Also, give us a few details on your system, such as OS version etc.

  • Hello thx for the fast reply,

    Original audio

    htt p ://ww

    Construct 2 playback

    htt p ://ww

    Im running win10, and testing in chrome

  • Hello thx for the fast reply,

    Original audio

    htt p ://ww

    Construct 2 playback

    htt p ://ww

    Im running win10, and testing in chrome

    I tested that file and it imports and plays fine for me in Firefox, IE and NW.js (chromium). Unfortunately I can't test in chrome.

    Does the attached file - using your wav - play correctly for you?


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  • In your project works perfectlly fine when i try it, even when i import a different sound...

    hmmm could it be that something in my game is making it sound lousy ?!

  • In your project works perfectlly fine when i try it, even when i import a different sound...

    hmmm could it be that something in my game is making it sound lousy ?!

    Hard to say, but it does sound likely.

    Start to try and debug.

    Look for all events that reference the file and disable them. Then re-enable step by step to hopefully pinpoint where it starts to go wrong.

  • I think maybe its because of the character animation speed im using specific animation frames to trigger the sounds (footsteps) and when i speed up the animation or slow it down the audio changes aswell :S

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