TheWyrm's Forum Posts

  • gonzdevour My IAP has always said "Waiting for review" for me too, but it appears you (perhaps just updated this way) have to add them to the main app page in the new itunes connect UI. However, perhaps this is just requirement of the new system? I hope I wasn't rejected because the system changed while I was waiting for review...

    Anyway I do the following:

    On an upgrade button I have the following.

    Is store available? => Fetch those products from store: "app"

    Then I have the following to complete the process.

    On product fetch complete => Purchase product "app"

    On 'app' purchase completed => [Give them the full version]

    On 'app' purchase failed=> [Show failed visual events]

    Is product 'app' puchased? => [Give them the full version]

    What about you?

  • gonzdevour I have been in contact with apple support for more information. They told me that I have created the IAP purchase but did not submit with my latest build. I'm not sure if this was an old requirement or if it's a new one with the latest UI. In any case I am now hopeful that it will go through this time.

  • Have you set the position of the image point correctly in the sprite editor? Double click on the sprite that is meant to fire the bullet to open the image editor > Click on the 'set origin and image points' icon > Check the image point you are using is at the tip of the gun.

  • On windows phone the browser object 'on suspend' and 'on resume events' don't seem to trigger.

    Export to windows phone using universal 8.1.

    Build and run in the emulator.

    Run the game and then press back.

    Go back into the game.

    See if events have fired.

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  • I was searching for a service that could act as a global social service among mobile platforms and thought I would give the Google play services a go. ~

    Turns out it only works for web at the moment anyway so that stopped me in my tracks. However, I also noticed from the manual it only says you need a client id. This isnt true anymore as it seems you also need the "OAuth2 Client Secret" as I understand it, but perhaps I misunderstood. So I assume this plugin no longer works?

    As a side note it would be nice if the plugin worked for mobile platforms as well. As it could mean you could use the same service across all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows phone, Blackberry and HTML5.

  • Also it may not even work for web since it requires a 'secret' now as well.

  • Nevermind... the plugin doesn't work for mobile platforms yet...


    Unfortunately at this time Google Play Game Services only work from a web browser. It does not currently work from Crosswalk or any non-browser wrappers like CocoonJS or Ejecta. However it should still work on mobile browsers such as Chrome for Android. ~

  • In the Google developer console it says "Google Play game services let you add social gaming features to your games on Android, iOS and the web."

    So I am assuming it works on windows phone and blackberry? Has anybody tried?

  • Colludium Yeah, I tried that before implementing the 4 sprite system. I found that it caused some other unexpected issues. Basically I rotate to a specific angle depending on the edge that the collision occurred on. With 'Is overlapping at offset' it made my sprite spin. Which makes logical sense. This didn't happen with using 4 sprites. I would have to debug to find out more and is probably just a matter of tweaking. For now I have disabled those events and will come back to it when I need to optimise as right now I am prototyping.

    xach I agree, but I'll wait until it actually causes problems before I refine it

    Is there anyway to see collision checks in the debugger?

  • Cheers guys. So I have tested all the above. I found with my situation the most reliable method was to create four simple sprites. Offset them from the player sprite position so you have one above, below, left and right. Then for each of the four sprites use the action 'is overlapping another object' with 'trigger once' Then set them to invisible.

    Although I know this isn't the most efficient method it gave me perfect results when testing the player sprite moving at a high speed. With the others I found they would sometimes flag the wrong side. I suspect this is because when moving at the speeds I need the collision can be flagged when it is quite far into the object.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Hey guys,

    Lets say I have 64x64 sprite that I call player. Then I put it in a level made out sprite tiles and I make the player move randomly around in it.

    So I want to know which side of the player has hit a tile i.e. top, left, right and bottom.

    Any ideas? (please give a short example based on the above)

    Kind regards,


  • Ok, thanks for the info. I have scaling working as I want so far just need to test it out on a bunch of tiles. I will let you know what i choose. Thanks again.

  • ah ok, that explains it! I assumed it was the same as the math order!

    Good spot! Thanks again!

  • Thanks you're a star. So essentially you used absolute position of the touch on start and again at touch end. Where absolute refers to the current position of a touch over the canvas area. So I may use this as it side steps the problem.

    HOWEVER, I am still interested in why my original doesn't work to further my knowledge. Anybody have any ideas?

  • and a general observation that i noticed is the further right the sprite is in the scene the greater the resulting distance.