TheWyrm's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys,

    I plan to find out how well the Cordova builds work in the XDK and writing up a "How to..." tutorial when I'm done.

    The reason for this is I really like the Intel XDK. It allows you to edit, emulate, test, debug, profile and build all in the same place. The majority of people will just be using it for Crosswalk, because at present it has the best performance on android devices. However, with the release of Android Lollipop this should change to Phonegap/Cordova being the fastest, with caveat that devices will need to be running iOS8 or Lollipop. So for a while Crosswalk will still bridge the gap until we reach the point where the majority of android devices are running lollipop+.

    What is Cordova? Well it's basically the non-adobe version of PhoneGap. It does exactly the same stuff bar offer the customer service that PhoneGap offer. Also PhoneGap plugins should work on Cordova, and vice versa. So essentially I'm looking at the XDK to fill the role of PhoneGap without having to pay a monthly subscription for their build service as well as not having to install a load of IDE's and libraries. Yeah, I know, I'm cheap and want things on a platter!

    I'm also doing this as I want a wrapper that does everything I need as a professional developer. This includes the following highest priority/core plugins:

    • Full screen and banner ads - Developers often have to make their games free as their product is unknown to consumers. Therefore advertising allows developers to make money on their games without the player reaching for their pocket.
    • Cross platform IAP - Developers often have a full and free version of the game. The free version will normally have advertising in and it is common to allow users to use an IAP to remove the advertising as well as provide more gameplay. I say 'cross platform' as it would be better for C2 users to have a general set of events rather than specific events for each platform. However, It's better to have something than nothing.
    • Post/invite from Facebook / Twitter - Marketing is very important factor of a games success and most indie developers cannot afford to do it in a big way i.e. TV adverts. Therefore, the rest of the indie developers have to use the cheap strategy of viral advertising through social networks. This is done by incentivising people to use and share game notifications through their social network i.e. Get a free in game pink hat for inviting your friend to the game.
    • Game Center / Google Play Games Service leaderboards - Users need a reason to come back to a game and in addition to your game goals a shared leaderboard among friends encourages one-upmanship rivalry.

    As well as the secondary priority plugins:

    • Local notifications - Users need to be reminded to come back to a game and local notifications fill that purpose i.e. You have completed mining for rubies! Your goblins have no jobs to do!
    • Prompt to rate - The higher the rating the better the perceived quality of your game. The amount of people playing the game but don't rate it will be incredibly high. So players have to be reminded.
    • Analytics - Most people don't realise the value in game analytics. However, they can be incredibly powerful tool to allow developer to refine the game experience. i.e. 50% of users stop playing the game at level 3, which could mean the level is too difficult and a more gradual difficulty curve is required.

    I want to hear from people that have done it or are trying to do it. So far I have built an Cordova APK and installed it on my Nexus 4 relatively easily. The frame rate was not great BUT I don't have lollipop yet . So I'll looking into getting the above plugins working next. Has anybody already done this? Would the procedures be the same as getting Crosswalk plugins to work?

    Any information would be great and really appreciated.

    Kind regards,


    P.S Once I get to a good point I'll write up a tutorial so everybody can replicate my findings.

  • The below is information intended for the C2 community and not Ludei (I'll write yours at github).

    So I can confirm that the Facebook functionality is working in the launcher apart from share (but that maybe a misunderstanding).



    Leaderboards (Not sure if this is a Ludei leaderboard using facebook ids or a Facebook leaderboard?)

    Achievements. (Again not sure if this is a Ludei achievement system using facebook ids or a Facebook achievement system?)

    Share - The action requires you to provide a text string. Then when called it pops up the devices share dialog to which you pick an application. I picked the facebook app on my android phone but it didn't add the text to share dialog. So not really sure how it works.

  • ludei thanks for the update.

  • ludei I also can't see the option to post to a wall for Facebook? So how does this work? Do I login with the social login action then use the official C2 Facebook object? How does this work if I want to use both Google Play Game Services and Facebook?

  • ludei Have you updated the CocoonJS Plugin Demo.capx on Github? I updated the plugin and tried to open the capx and got this error

  • Ashley Was the above useful?

  • ludei Thanks for the update. Let us know how it goes.

  • I'll probably drop the green scan effect then. That has 9 frames of animation and is not looking quite as I wanted. There is only one subtle webgl effect so I'm not sure why there would be a huge difference for you.

  • C-7 updated arms in

  • ArcadEd great work. Let's hope ludei take advantage of your capx.

  • hollowthreat I would treat that as a separate issue and report it on github so a separate line of inquiry can be established.

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  • ArcadEd Nah, it sounds like you have done what's required to create the problem. The only possible thing I can think of is making sure you both audio and sprites. As it could be caused by loading all audio at the start rather than sprite or vice versa. However.. people have reported all assets getting loaded so probably isn't specific but you never know...

  • lol. yeah, I know what you mean. I find machine gun tapping refresh does the job... DakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDakaDaka!

    Glad that's fixed. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Also add a webgl effect like warp ripple to a layer in each. As I think that will help highlight garbage collection issues.

  • skelooth I suspect it is your local cache. I have just added the version number '' to the top right corner though, so you should be able to tell if it has been updated now.

    All the relevant numbers have dt applied so I'm a bit clueless if it is still frame rate dependent???