ThePhotons's Forum Posts

  • Hey, I'd like to use your plugin, but I seem to have an issue: whether it's my own game or your demo capx, I have this error in the log; NameServer authentication failed/3101


    Did you set up app id as described in SDK's readme.txt?

    Please see browser logs for more details on error.

  • Thanks for the great tool. It works fine for our 2 plugins except:

    1. Combo parameters items mixed up sometimes: items from previous lists get in current list somehow.

    2. Conditions with combo parameters are missing in output aces.json

  • How do I import external js script? In C2, It was "dependency" property defined in edittime.js.

    Copying script to c2runtime folder and adding it to "file-list" of addon.json does not help (the latter may work in dev mode I guess).

    As workaround, I put script contents into runtime.js file for now.

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  • It's meant to work over HTTP on localhost. I'm not sure why it's not working. I'm sure I tested this successfully before.

    'localhost:*' is specified w/o protocol. What if add http:// there? Without protocol it allows at least https urls.

  • Is it possible to allow http urls for dev addons?

    Error in console when i'm trying to install such addon:

    Refused to connect to 'http://localhost:49152/photonC3/addon.json' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' blob: wss:// wss:// localhost:*".[/code:1jya5wjx]
  • ... Bear in mind that a large portion of Construct users will not be coders and its not always satisfactory to provide them with code to help solve their problems, they need to be addressed on the Event sheet.

    Are you sure that it's possible to solve Construct problems with code? This is probably advanced technique which we never used before.

    If you still have any problems please describe them clearly.

    [quote:105t5owj]Its very simple to add comments and annotations to the Event sheets and all tutorials or demos should include them to help the average Construct user better understand how things work...

    Plugins have short items descriptions which show up in editor's help line. Of course this could be done better. But having limited resources for C2 development, we focused more on bug fixes and upcoming C3 migration.

    Note also that we do not provide tutorials and can't update them. Authors did a great work describing in details how things work. I doubt that this could be significantly improved.

  • Hi guys,

    I am developing a multiplayer game using last release of photon plugin

    the html5 version works perfectly on my site [you can try it here], but when i try to upload it for hosting on scirra arcade or kongregate Platform, the multiplayer functions does not work.

    any ideas?



    Can you please explain what "does not work" mean? Any errors, logs, other helpful info?

    Do applications w/o Photon plugin work for you?

  • Why photon Chat cannot be used if I use minified script when exporting from Construct 2 to HTML5 Browser and NW.js ?

    I updated Scirra SDK package. Minified export should work for chat applications.

    Please do more detailed report next time. What does not work exactly and which errors do you have

  • Thanks for explanation.

    Christmas Please read Photon Chat intro: ... chat-intro

    It describes how chat works and is applicable to for any Photon Chat SDK including Scirra.

  • cubits12x

    Is your application type "realtime"? Can you try another app id?

    If nothing helps, please send you app id with short problem description to

  • cubits12x

    Did you set AppId parameter in Photon object properties?

  • Hi RetroSpock

    On your question about documentation: ... t-2#latest

  • bvandenborght Thank you for detailed clarification.

    A few notes:

    mostafanastary You should choose for host not random player but master player ('MasterActorNr' expression) which assigned by Photon automatically at game start and when current master leaves. Design game logic so that new master player can continue running the game after old one has gone. E.g. you can store game state on each client but update it only on master.

    [quote:52gofpzx]what about with Photon server and your plugin

    You need only choose "Self Hosted" in HostType dropdown menu in Photon setting and set server address. Everything else should work exactly as in cloud.

  • Would it be possible to get server clock time with a ping to compensate the distance so that actions can be tracked in order to know who shot first, and to implement lag compensation by being able to calculate when an input was sent with precision to resolve inputs more accurately ThePhotons

    Currently server time and ping are not available in Photon js sdk and C2 plugin. You can measure ping by sending packets with timestamps to the client itself (set TargetActors to str(Photon.MyActorNr) in "Raise event")

  • Hello,

    I tried your Multi Photon Tutorial and ended up with some issues



    What tutorial did you try? Can you post a link? We did not publish tutorials for Photon C2 plugin.