My name is Oscarr espinoza, currently developing "Hyperbot". I am in dire need of a job and would like to share my work and see if I can be of service to other game developers! feel free to message me here or on twitter!
Feel free to contact me for professional work. I have 4+ construct 2/3 experience and i am willing to give it my all for well polished game! or on twitter —
I'm a game developer from Mexico with 4+ years of experience with Construct 2/3, feel free to contact me on twitter twitter dot com / hyperbotgame
tengo mas de 4 años de experiencia trbajando en construct 2/3 mandame mensaje en twitter! —
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My first published game! made in less than 72 hours for indiesVSgamers