TheEggMaster's Forum Posts

  • Did you fully read the manual? Volume is highest at zero, and goes down (negative) from there.

    Yeah, what i've done already is taken a slider, set its highest to 0 and minimum to -50 (mute) and then in the script, Every tick set the variable musicVolume to the value of the musicVolume slider. My aim was for the music volume to be set to the variable volume so that when it changes it then changes the music volume. This didn't work.

  • Hey, I tried using a variable for volume and making a slider set the variable but it didn't work, I'm kinda new to the engine and need help with options, I did a search for options on both Tutorials and How To also google but none came up.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Ah right, thanks guys Sorry I'm a noob xD

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  • Sorry if this is in the wrong area but I couldn't find a forum anywhere! Might I suggest that you add a feature where if you cut a variable it doesn't delete itself from all things connected to it and only make it do this when you delete it. I find it annoying when I need to move a variable from one sheet to another for easy access and I have to go thru and find everywhere that it was connected too Let me know what you think of this idea Thanks

    EDIT: I now know that this feature already exists Thanks guys!

  • Hey there! Alright I'm going to get straight into it so I'm not wasting time.

    Okay so basically I need a team to help me produce a platformer game, I will need quite a bit of help with this project too.


    Artist, 1.

    Experienced Designer, 1 or 2.

    Experienced with Construct 2, someone who knows how to get stuff done, 1 or 2.

    This is only a small team and therefore I can't afford to pay anybody myself, I can only pay with the money made from the game itself this is [Paid by Project] now I'm guessing because you're here you already know this

    Information about me,

    My name is Michael Foster, I am 16 years old, I have been making websites and games since I was around 12 my first bit of coding being a Minecraft mod. I am easy to get along with and I have a great sense of humor. I like making new friends and I hope that by the end of this project we can keep in touch and possibly make more games as a group of friends. I am currently in college studying Software Development on Mondays - Wednesdays 9AM - 4PM but off all day Thursdays - Sundays.

    If you are interested then drop me a PM, I hope to hear from you soon

    Thanks for reading!

  • I haven't fixed it but i have come up with a new way of doing it, if anyone can tell me how to delete posts i would be grateful

  • Use a variable to track the state. If they exit set a variable to 1 or whatever value you want. On the continue button click event check the variable and then you can choose to restart the layout or go to the next one based on that value.

    Ok so a little update here, I have set it up that way but now when i join the main events that make the game a game don't run

  • Thank you so much

  • So basically i am creating a level in which you click the continue button when time runs out and depending on if you unlocked the next level you may need to re do the same level however when i go on the level again all my variables are the same as my last play and the end screen is still showing, i was wondering how i could create a system that would check for when the layout is exited or even entered and then it uses the system.restartlayout,
