Looking for a small team [Shared Profit]

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Various Bell Sounds (from small to huge) / 35 Unique Clips / 2:46 minutes of audio
  • Hey there! Alright I'm going to get straight into it so I'm not wasting time.

    Okay so basically I need a team to help me produce a platformer game, I will need quite a bit of help with this project too.


    Artist, 1.

    Experienced Designer, 1 or 2.

    Experienced with Construct 2, someone who knows how to get stuff done, 1 or 2.

    This is only a small team and therefore I can't afford to pay anybody myself, I can only pay with the money made from the game itself this is [Paid by Project] now I'm guessing because you're here you already know this

    Information about me,

    My name is Michael Foster, I am 16 years old, I have been making websites and games since I was around 12 my first bit of coding being a Minecraft mod. I am easy to get along with and I have a great sense of humor. I like making new friends and I hope that by the end of this project we can keep in touch and possibly make more games as a group of friends. I am currently in college studying Software Development on Mondays - Wednesdays 9AM - 4PM but off all day Thursdays - Sundays.

    If you are interested then drop me a PM, I hope to hear from you soon

    Thanks for reading!

  • BUMP

    All positions still open!

  • Hey im not experienced with construct 2 yet but ive been watching some youtube videos and i think i can handle it pretty wel i can add animations i can add AI behavior and a lot of other things.

    If youre intrested give me a email on the following adress maybe you can help me with my project!

    Mail: freezegamesdevnnz@gmailcom

  • Hey, I'm fairly experienced with C2, I have a couple prototypes in all different types of games, such as platformer, jigsaw puzzle, infinite runner, resource collecting (Like don't Starve and minecraft (2D of course though)) and am currently working on a turn based fighting game.

    I have a friend who might be willing to help till you can find a full time artist, no guarantees though.

    And I have also done lots of game design studies (Self studies), and am looking to implement them into a project.

    PM me here or email me at

  • Hey, I'm fairly experienced with C2, I have a couple prototypes in all different types of games, such as platformer, jigsaw puzzle, infinite runner, resource collecting (Like don't Starve and minecraft (2D of course though)) and am currently working on a turn based fighting game.

    I have a friend who might be willing to help till you can find a full time artist, no guarantees though.

    And I have also done lots of game design studies (Self studies), and am looking to implement them into a project.

    PM me here or email me at

    Excellent, I will contact you shortly via your given email address

  • Do you have anything to show?

    And "paid by project" is confusing. What you want is called profit share.

    Good luck with that.

  • Thanks for the advice I will start providing images of my current work and rename the thread if I can xD

  • Hey!

    I'm looking forward to seeing your idea

  • Still waiting for people to get back to me haha, it shall be completed one day

  • I'd love to help, relatively experienced with c2 and always wanted to make a platformer. You can contact me at

  • Hello

    This is working from the ground up? or do we have any idea on areas like...

    1. Game Concept

    2. Game Art

    3. Main Platform

    4. Monetization



  • Sure, I would love to join! , hit me up with a message or ill message you

  • You might have to send me a message, I don't have the rep

  • Hi myself Aquif and i am good at construct 2.Looking for a team to join.

    If you allow me then i am in.

    want to know more drop me a mail at aquif1990civ@gmail.com

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  • I have a great concept

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