TheEggMaster's Forum Posts

  • On click:

    - system create sprite on "layer" (Mouse.x, mouse.y)

    - system set GlobVariable to sprite.uid

    You can move the sprite whose UID matches your variable "GlobVariable"

    That worked, thanks

    Gotta admit the scirra community are amazing

  • Alright sorry guys haha.

    So I have a sprite that when you click it another sprite appears and then it sets the sprites X and Y to the mouse (as though you were moving it) and when you click it, it creates a new sprite that I can't see the UID of because it isn't created in the engine only in the game itself. I need to find out how I can target that 1 new sprite so that all the other sprites of the same sprite don't move to Mouse X and Y only the new object does. I hope this makes sense

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  • I know that is there but I need to save it to a variable, should have mentioned that XD

  • I really need help finding this one

  • Can you add your .capx file, not

    wrapping my head around what your asking...

    Go to file-save-save as single file and upload it using Full Editor here.

    It's all good now, just found out that I can spawn the object on the grass image point instead

    Thanks for taking an interest though

  • Hey so I'm making a small tower defence game (nothing big just a small project to teach me about the engine more) and I need my textures to stick at 32x32 and to do that I need the image point at the top left but this looks weird when the turret behaviour kicks in as it uses the origin point not my set rotatePoint. My question is this, is there any way to change which point it rotates around?


  • Still waiting for people to get back to me haha, it shall be completed one day

  • Thanks for the advice I will start providing images of my current work and rename the thread if I can xD

  • Hey, I'm fairly experienced with C2, I have a couple prototypes in all different types of games, such as platformer, jigsaw puzzle, infinite runner, resource collecting (Like don't Starve and minecraft (2D of course though)) and am currently working on a turn based fighting game.

    I have a friend who might be willing to help till you can find a full time artist, no guarantees though.

    And I have also done lots of game design studies (Self studies), and am looking to implement them into a project.

    PM me here or email me at

    Excellent, I will contact you shortly via your given email address

  • I just wanted to know how to delete a specific object not when something collides with it

  • Yeah its not quite that but I just figured it out

  • So I've told the game to find a sprite with UID 1089 but when I add an event to destroy another sprite I can't figure out how to destroy by UID

    Thanks in advance

  • BUMP

    All positions still open!

  • haha that character though xD

    The first one worked and i've implemented it to my game thanks a lot

    however i have a new problem now, when you go back to menu from options it saves the music volume but as soon as you go back into the options it resets the volume, any suggestions? Thanks

  • Thanks alot m8