TheDom's Forum Posts

  • Did you try setting the layers order "on start of layout"? Should force it when you restart layout.

  • Well, I joined the group. It seems I'm the first. Let's see where it goes.

  • It has nothing to do with different layouts having layers of the same name. Without seeing your capx, I would say set the order of the layers "On Start of Layout".

  • I believe you have to edit the export.html in the project directoy

  • Create multiple conditions

    Sprite On Overlap > Wall_1 > Sprite > do something

    Sprite On Overlap > Wall_2 >

    Sprite On Overlap > Wall_1 > Sprite > do something else

    Sprite On Overlap (X) > Wall_2 >

    (X) being inverted

  • Give each bird an instance variable called "HitPoints" Numbers

    Set the value to 3

    On collision(hit) Bird > System Subtract -1 > from Bird "HitPoints"

    Bird "Hitpoints" (less than or = 0) <0 or = 0 > Bird Destroy

  • Yes

  • Try This:

    Create a global variable called URL, set it to text, and leave the value blank

    Global text URL = ""

    System> On start of layout > System > Set URL to ""

    System> On start of layout > Audio > Play ""


    Use Play (by name)

    and put the following in the name and tag fields:


    I didn't test this

    Hope this or some variation of this helps....

  • How is the object being created? on start of layout? Or is it already on the layout at start?

  • It's not a matter of which is better. It's a matter of what is appropriate to use in a given context.

    I strongly advise you read the manual on Global variables, local variables, and instance variables.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Go back to using on overlap and add the system condition "trigger once while true"

    Then create another identical condition only invert it and change the animation eye to closed.

  • Try making the object you want to destroy global.

  • Personally, I think it really depends on the type of game. In my smaller games, web storage just makes sense for me since the game is driven by data stored in global variables. However I have a larger game that I'm working on and using save is a much better option because it's a simulator and I want to preserve the state of the game. Sometimes saving the game doesn't have the desired effect of allowing the user to re-start the level. It really depends what works best for your model and how your going to lead the user into the restarting process. If you want users to be able to select levels when returning to play then, save game is not really the best option.

  • Had, to share this. FMOD Studio audio content creation tool is FREE.

    From site: FMOD Studio is an audio content creation tool for games, with a focus on a ‘Pro Audio’ approach. It has an entirely new interface that will be more familiar to those using professional Digital Audio Workstations than existing game audio tools and is loaded with new features.

    Apparently they made it free to Indie game dev's with projects under 100,000.

    You can download it here :

  • I checked and tried it out. Very cool and up to 10,000 files in a batch