theBeaz's Forum Posts

  • As a Goon, I will welcome you into the Family once you have completed you application for your benefactor.


    If you would like to see the proper use of achievements that truly enhance gameplay, I ask you to look no further than this:

    Greatest game ever made, way before its time: Achievement Unlocked.

  • I have an other problem with this feature. It isn't exporting any images to the "Images" Directory. And it is not crashing here.

    I use 0.99.82 too.

    Are you on Vista or Win7? If so, I've submitted the bug, the cause, and a proposed fix. Only issue is that Davo is the one the bug is assigned to... ... id=1003219

  • I'd love to hear what others do, but here is my horrible method:

    * Create a variable: "thrusterstart", set its value to 0.

    * While mouse button is down, add 1 to thrusterstart (it will continue adding '1' as long as the mouse is down, but that's ok)

    * When thrusterstart == 1, play sound with looping turned on

    * When mouse button release, set thrusterstart to 0.

    I had to do something similar in a test project. I'd love to know a simpler solution.

  • Ah, that makes sense. But with more instances, Windows 7 will show more projects on Aero Peek.

    And you're free to do that! Just don't copy anything from one project to another

  • Neo1000,

    To stop the crashing, make sure you have both .cap files open in a SINGLE instance of Construct. If you have two "Contruct" apps in your taskbar, it will crash.

    When you have them both open in a single instance, you can change between .cap files via the Project tab.

  • Seems like a fairly large range there... covered up his Earthlink service

    Thanks again deadeye.

  • I was attempting to introduce a friend to this project, but apparently he shares an IP with someone who was a troublemaker in the past. Is there any way that can be unbanned from the forums? I'm pretty sure there is no way he's the guy that caused the rangeban...

    (If this is the wrong forum please move it wherever)

  • I've got family in Oz. I could send them on a manhunt...

  • Hello all. I'm David. 26, turning 27 in March. 2009 was a pretty busy year... got married and had my first baby. 2010 is turning out fantastic now that I've found out about Construct! I've been a pretty avid gamer ever since the family Atari 2600 was handed down to me as a child. Ever since then I've owned every mainstream gaming system.

    I've always wanted to get into game design but actual coding is far too time consuming (and mind numbing) for me. The system that Construct uses is incredible. Deadeye has already shown me several things accessible straight from the GUI that I thought would require manual scripting.

    I'm hoping to become a long-term member of this community and someday offer as much help as I'm getting from the wonderful people here!

  • Figured some people could use this for platformers or grid-based games:

    I cannot find information on licensing/permission, but it's an open-project where you can build up an entire spritesheet using various templated bodies, heads, clothing, etc. Pretty neat to play with if nothing else.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • So I'm having the same issues as this guy (but he didn't post his fix). I can't figure out the rhyme or reason for plasma colors (though I typically end up with blue). Does anyone have a quick and dirty plasma guide or example to explain the idea behind the object?

  • No don't get upset! This was an excellent post and provides even more wonderful information for myself and others! Thanks again, guys!

  • Ah, I had looked there and was looking for something "vector-y"... Get X component of motion did it.

    Thank you!

  • Deadeye (or anyone who can answer) - In your demo .cap, you used the following code:

    I know that is "The absolute value of 'VextorX' for the 'Platform' attribute of the 'Player' object" (I may be fudging some official terminology here). My question is: How can you see the available values to measure? I.E. - Where did you find the "VectorX" piece? I see this particular one happens to be mentioned [url=]here[/url], but what about the many other hidden values? I don't see them in the debugger or listed elsewhere.