tgenedavis's Forum Posts

  • If I have a sprite that leaves the layout with a wrap behavior, I'd like to have a detectable event for acting on the wrap happening. Is there already a way to do this easily?

  • It took me days to get just the right combination, so I don't remember enough details to put together a detailed instruction list. I can tell you what to search for in Google, though.

    1) The first thing that you need to do is get your cert accepted by your OS to the point that

    results in the little green lock appearing next to the URL in Chrome. In MacOS this involves Keychain. In one of the previous posts, there is a video explaining how to do it for Windows. It's painful, and really Chrome is causing us headaches for no good reason, but it is doable.
    2) You're going to have to get a web server running on localhost that actually supports CORS. Older webservers like Tomcat don't properly support CORS. Find a new one that either lets you specify the content of the HTTP header, or actually supports CORS properly. nGinx allows you to customize the HTTP header returned for HTTP Requests. That's how I finally got it working.
  • I tested with r25 and it loads fine, so I was going to put in a bug for this. But then I re-tested on the latest version and it works there now. I'm not sure if it is working because it is cashing, or was broken because it was cashing, but it works for me now.

    Btw, fantastic feature! Keep up the great work.

  • Now that is cool. I really love C3.

  • It would be really handy to be given the option of loading a previous C3 release in the case of regressions being introduced with new releases. Is there a way to do that currently?

  • The new addon testing mode gives me the following exception when trying to load the example plugin with the "Add dev addon" button.

    Error loading addon JSON:  SyntaxError: Unexpected string in JSON at position 367
    !m.!_f.then.then.catch @ main.js:149[/code:1obp3ppi]
    This happens when I load the extracted example addon.json that has the following file list.
    	"is-c3-addon": true,
    	"type": "plugin",
    	"name": "My custom plugin",
    	"id": "MyCustomPlugin",
    	"version": "",
    	"author": "Scirra",
    	"website": "",
    	"documentation": "",
    	"description": "Example custom Construct 3 plugin.",
    	"editor-scripts": [
    	"file-list": [
    All the C3 plugin files are available over https from localhost and this is the only error given by Chrome. I have not modified any files in the extracted plugin. Any ideas?
  • I seem to have got past most of the addon test mode issues on MacOS by using homebrew's nginx, and ssl using a keychain generated self signed key that is customized to include the subjectaltnam and authorized for ssl in the keychain. There was some tweaking of the nginx.conf file to contain the proper CORS http headers. If you don't have your self signed cert completely authenticated in Keychain, you won't even see responses sent back from the localhost web server when requested by C3. Also, port's nginx doesn't even install, so avoid that.

    It sounds more painful than it was.

    I do recommend anyone thinking of Tomcat shy away from it. The CORS filters do *NOT* allow the proper headers to go through in the HTTP response unless you're willing to write a custom filter to fix it.

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  • Is there a way to see the save progress? I have saved and closed my browser several times today and lost my saved changes. I'm guessing it has something to do with the save happening in the background and not being finished when I close the browser.

    • Post link icon

    Got mine. Have to say, I love C3 already. Especially since I switch between OS X, Windows, and Android frequently through the week.

    I'm working on a Math game for my son to play since summer vacation starts next week. It's surprising how fun math can be when you're being chased by a bloodthirsty dinosaur.

  • I was able to get past the content security policy by setting up my localhost server to use https. I think the mixed http/https content (localhost on http) was causing the security policy to barf.

    I'm now running into what I think is a CORS issue with my server ("resulted in a network error response: the promise was rejected.") I'll mess around with my tomcat server and see if this is a CORS issue as I suspect, and then I will try the non-secure localhost again to see if the CORS issue was my issue all along.

  • I'm getting the same "Refused to connect" issue due to document's Content Security Policy. I've tried http://localhost:8080/addon.json and http://localhost:80/addon.json with the latest Chrome.

    Has anyone got this working? and ... what configuration worked?

  • Looks like trying to load the *.js in preview mode is blocked by not knowing the location and name of the resource for use in URL to load. Anyone know if there is a way to dynamically get the location and name of a resource file? Then I could pass that on to the JavaScript to let me load the *.js file for use.

  • Thank you. I didn't even think of trying the browser object.

  • I see you can load *.js files to your project in the full version of C3. What can you actually do with these *.js files? I don't see any way that you can actually call a function inside a *.js file resource using the Function object, though that would be handy for snippets that are too small and game-specific to justify a full-blown addon.

  • I'm very excited about this new testing mode for the sdk. Very cool.