Hi, I would suggest using a value for each of the following: Hours (number) - Minutes (number)- Seconds (number) - Week days (number).
You can do, On Layout Start:
Set WeekDay = 1
Set Hours = 0
Set Minutes = 0
Set Seconds = 0
On every 0.25 seconds:
If Weekday = 1 Set Daytext to: "Monday" &"-" &Hours &":" &Minutes &":" &Seconds
If Weekday = 2 Set Daytext to: "Tuesday" &"-" &Hours &":" &Minutes &":" &Seconds
If Weekday = 3 Set Daytext to: "Wednesday" &"-" &Hours &":" &Minutes &":" &Seconds
On every 1 second:
Add +1 to Seconds
If Seconds greater or equal to 60 then add 1 to minutes AND set Seconds to 0
If MInutes greater or equal to 60 then add 1 to hours and set minutes to 0
If hours greater or equal to 24 then add 1 to weekdays and set hours to 0
If weekdays greater or equal to 7 set 0 to every value
I just wrote this on-the-fly and might be missing some things but you have the general idea. There is perhaps an easier way to do this but this is what just came up to my mind. Hope it sets you on the right track.
However, make sure you can check the transitions between days are smooth.
You should also consider saving these values to text files in the user's documents in order to be able to retrieve them when you close/re-launch the game (Node-Webkit object). If you do so, consider discarding what I wrote at the beginning (On Layout Start: Set WeekDay = 1) but replace it with
On Layout start : if file exists set your values to each existing file
if doesn't exist then create the file. (use the "i" keyboard shortcut to invert a condition)