TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • Gamesalad has a circle collision option. There must be a way to do it. Also it is needed for any top down games with a player and solid walls(like my game Maze Manor ). If the player does not have a circle collision shape it will get stuck facing the wall at what ever angle you touched the wall and will not rotate until you back off the wall. This is a problem say if you walk up to a wall then go to the right the player will walk right while facing up. I've corrected alot of this with placing a specific collision shape on my player, but it still happens at certain angles.

    I see, this is a real problem.

    I was trying to reproduce a top-down RPG, like zelda, but stopped after the Z ordering problem. Anyway, doing a octagonal polygon will decrease drastically the performance of you game, this is what I concluded after trying.

    Oh, and to setup the lines, I saved the project on a folder and written the polygon code inside the XML, because setting it visually give you a bad triangulation.

  • also, I have set a collection of template sprites on the SandBOX, feel free to use for non commercial purposes.

    There you'll find all the main poses and much other advanced poses too.

  • Did your C2 crashed? you should report it as Bug to help solve the problem.

  • This. Multiple shape collision would be a great addition. The problem would be not only handling the multiple collision cases between rectangle, polygon and circle, but too many shapes on a sprite would would drop performance. Still a very welcome feature :D

    As I said, you can, simple do invisible sprites, then pin them on the point where you want that area checked.

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  • It would be great if it was possible to create a collision mask combining multiple primitives, this way more complex forms (like circle) would be possible to some extent.

    Maybe something like this, where you could place, resize and rotate them at will:

    Screen 01

    Screen 02

    This way you can, simple do a invisible sprite with the same size of the first, pin it on the point position of your main sprite part and check the Family collision ^^

  • but if you walk near edges, to jump far (sometimes a precise jump, like in jumping games), you'll not step back?

    I thought about it before, but this was my main issue when using two feets. When the player come near of an edge to jump far, or climbed up a wall, he felt back because of this solution.

    Maybe a mix, checking the two feet and the middle right/left, can workaround it =]

    Edited: Pewwwwwwww.

    My brain is burning =

    At least I finished it and I hope it's working flawless =|

    take a look one the SandBOX.

  • I'm at my house now.

    Confirmed, I did a new sample and checked the offset:

    This happen on objects sub pinned on another pinned object interacting with the input cursor.

  • they have ads, but a big green download button, also uploading is just dragging files to a browser window without installing any programs like dropbox, that's why i preffer mediafire and that is the main reason why I uninstalled dropbox actually. now back to the topic, in your code all the pinned object move so slow that you are not able to see any lag. if you actually downloaded my capx and tried it you would see the lag clearly :) cheers.

    Even falling?

    In my job any advertisement block the entire site, and mediafire is one of the black listed here, so, sorry, I can't download anyway.

  • Kiyoshi, please don't underestimate the use of Paint for pixel arts. I can tell you two or three Large communities where all the senior artists started his careers using Paint.

    So, if the C2 is for everyone, I believe many of Our beginners will use paint for pixelart, a software free, come with the Windows and on MAC have a similar one too. =]

    Trust, nobody need Corel or anything else than Paint to make nice pixelarts, but Paint still limited when talking about transparent backgrounds and semi transparent colors.

    Indie Game Maker (also called as IGM) have a feature where it detect any mix of that pink, used as a key color, to detect semi transparent colors, you can setup how much sensibility deep IGM will use, so, that tool don't obligate you do use any thirty part software than IGM and a brand new Windows or MAC. ^^

  • This could be a very complicated feature to add to the platform behavior itself - it's already one of the most complex behaviors, and it currently does not care what it is standing on. For example, you could also stand on a single pixel, so by the same rule you can land on a very steep slope. I'll see if it's straightforward to fix the Platform behavior to drop down in this case, but it might not be, so it would be best to work around this with events or careful level design for the time being.

    I'm trying to learn fast to use C2 to develop a nice platform tutorial.

    So, my workaround for this issue will be something like this:

    I'll setup three slave detectors for my player gadget, as I did in the SandBOX (to detect edges and climb them, try it and look how awesome ^^ ).

    If the bottom detector is overlapping the ground families, and the top isn't, and the middle detector is overlapping too, so, the player is on a climb, if the bottom is overlapping the ground and every other aren't, so, the player is on ground, if the top detector, the middle, and the bottom are detecting, he is on a wall.

    But, this will bug the climbing logic, so, I'll make conditionals using "UP" and "RIGHT/LEFT" to keep him climbing, if not, he will be pushed out the wall or slip down.

    So, Ashley, I don't know how you're doing the logic for behaviors, but if you're checking the collision box to make the "triggers" for example, you may can try check how much % of the sprite area is overlapping the wall instead of checking if the collision box is touching a bottom pixel.

  • I would not download from mediafire because there have many adds, suggestion, host your files on dropbox.

    Please, feel free to see my game and download his .capx from here, where I added many objects pinned to the player gadget and I didn't noticed any lag. Maybe is the phone hardware who can't keep all the math without delay, or, something else, but I believe you can figure out looking inside SandBOX code to make sure the first issue is not true.

  • Set up an invisible sprite to detect colission with the door and then use the system command "go to layout"

    Complete with:

    "Player" is overlapping "Invisible Sensor of Door"

    "Player" Go To Layout "Layout 2";

    "Player" Set initial position X and Y;

    "Player" Set position X and Y;

  • The logic behind collecting thinks is:

    Player is overlapping -> Coin Families >> Player -> Variable "Coins" add 1;

    Coin -> Destroy;

  • Ashley said in some topics about an improvement on the Sprite Menus, but I can't say exactly if this picking a color to make it invisible will be there.

    Remembering RPG Maker, or GM, they have this feature, what make job very easy when using Paint to produce pixel arts (where the invisible color was that strong pink ^^    ).

  • Impressive, great inspiration.

    I feel good looking my compatriots doing nice games, thought only one was using C2 for professional projects ^^