TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Ashley,

    this will make my code half or less size than the actual, because the logic behind OR, ELSE, etc are made to compact the codes. Nothing wrong with the old system, but these conditions make easy and faster Our job.

  • give a look at my SandBOX and how I handled it..

    This is for Construct 2, but you can figure out on Classic.

    The link is on my signature.

  • The best part is when you start figuring out how things work! I treat it like meta-game developing, and I'm gaining experience! :)

    ^^ this is the purpose.

  • the difference is:

    Vector will trace a path;

    Set will pop the object directly, without transaction, to the point;

  • How you didn't a screenshot, and I probably misunderstanding your questions, I'll try to talk about the hack and slash game style (Final Fighter, Excalibur, Battletoads, Ninja Turtles, etc).

    You will can figure it out easy, the main issue is handle the Z order of your canvas, where an enemy from behind of the scene will walk to the front and if an ambush is between this path, you'll have to handle it manually, one by one, each object of the canvas =(

    So, I don't want to teach you here how to reproduce the solution, but I already did on a old test.

    Think about a shadow, place it on the character bottom, so, make your character stand for the shadow, and handle the shadow to the 8 directions. Restrict the scenario for the shadow only stay in a certain area, and when the player or monster go up, resize it to smaller, giving the right aspect of going far. When the monster or player jump, make him jump relative to this shadow, so, the Z origin of all the other sprites will be the shadow Y.

    To make the monster face the player, just get the variable X and Y of the player (or his shadow), if the monster X is bigger than the X player, he is on the right, if his Y is bigger, so, he is behind the player.

  • Hello,

    Some issues are affecting the Forum have a long time, they are:

    Clear Form: I would recommend to take off the "Clear Form" button, because this is the second time I did a good post, with average 500 characters, and clicked there accidentally... (nothing better than CTRL+A and DELETE to clear anything you want);

    Preview: It's simple not working, I believe it never worked on chrome;

    Buttons: The main issue are the buttons, if you want bold something, better type the code yourself, because the buttons will pop on the end of the topic the function you're trying to use, what, sometimes, is useless, because of the waste of time trying to use the button, nothing better than the old phpbb button system;

    Don't get mad, I just want to show you this things, and believe, the presentation of a Forum make all the difference for Us.

  • Edited:

    It's now sold on for a very, very cheap price.

    Character Template for Action Games by Telles0808



    Adventure Pack by BieL?San of Gabriel Mackievicz Telles is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

    Based on a work at

    Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at</center>

  • so, what's happening? You did it?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks you for the feedback, I'll use the smaller version of that trees ^^

    The bottom to top angle of view is matching the 2D canvas and side scrolling style of the game xD

    Updated: 2012/02/22 - Added Climbing on Ceiling system, polished many movements and improved the performance while falling with more conditionals;


    I'm stalling the max I can to miss the fighting with weapon poses -_-

    Be alert, next release will earn 1 new pose.


    Updated: 2012/04/16 - Re uploaded for the latest C2 build.

    Next week I want to make some new poses.

    I appreciate who liked my SandBox and I want to encourage you to try your own too! See you!

  • Now, I'm at my job, here we have 1gb/s line, and it keep downloading at 30kb/s. Every other downloads tested took the maximum possible, average 40mb/s real speed (I think it's because of the HD). The last time I downloaded one update here with success, it was very fast, like 1 or 2 seconds of downloading.

    Did you setup maximum quotas for download speed?

  • I'm trying to download the latest update and it's downloading at 30kb/s, even using an download acelerator.. everything else is fast here, I have a 100mb/s line.

  • This site was never very friendly with strangers, I myself went through several embarrassing situations, like people more experienced humiliating you in any doubt ... Anyway, good luck to whoever tries, if the users of this community did not slaughter you on the first "Post" ...

  • I'm without time now to write you a tutorial of how I did my menus, but I can tell you to use something like a matrix.

    So, I did an cursor for the object selection, and slots, where the movement of the cursor is set to move in grid, fixing the smaller and the bigger X and Y of this cursor, when it's overlaping the object in that menu, it's selected.

    Creating the object inside the menu and deleting or rearranging it is pretty easy, you just need to setup a variable for that object in the instant when the player pickup it, and if already exist, just add more for his amount.

    Complex menus can be made, using your imagination, like rearranging the objecting on the grid, you can, when swapping one with other, just set his slot ID with the same conditional and 2 actions, but while changing, you need to setup a new variable for the second object. For example, if you wanna change the object number 2 with the 3, set the object 3 slot to be 3_old, change the 2 to be 3 and the 3_old to be 2, etc.. Just a logic ^^

    (check the mouse to meet the requirements, if you're using the mouse cursor, for rearrange the grid)

    When the selecting cursor is overlapping the character "pick_character.ID"

    When the selecting cursor is not overlapping character "pick_character.ID -1"

    When the selecting cursor is not overlapping character "pick_character.ID +1"

    etc. Treat each exception here, because you don't want the player grabbing more than once each time.

    (set what will happen)

    Set temp_slot_free to (character.sprite.ID.X, character.sprite.ID.Y)

    > Set character.sprite.ID X,Y to (cursor.X, cursor.Y);

    By this way, you'll need now check where the cursor is when the player release the mouse button, setting this position inside a grid and changing the object.X and Y under it to match the temp_slot_free coord. if this slot is not free, if it's free, just set the new position to the object grabbed by the mouse.

    What I'm doing will be useful for many people here, I pretend to make an character strip organizer with alignment (top, bottom, middle, left and right, plus the interaction with each other and by coord. too), rotation, pivot point, slot management (rearranging), etc, so, you can setup very fast and easy that animation what is giving you pain, because one frame is not aligned perfectly ^^

    Sorry if I didn't helped too much, but the code to make a "good" selection menu need many logic and exception treatments, nothing hard, but many work need to be done, it's something what you can do, I believe.

  • Prepare yourself for the most challenge issue occurring on C2, the lack of Layer Manipulation tools.

    Make your cars go behind or on the front of obstacles will need a HUGE code, for each stage...

  • Great =)


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